"How? I can barely stand at all" he protested, almost falling over. Suddenly Seamus stood up with his wand out "I'll do the counter curse!" He proclaimed proudly. Neville's eyes widened "No, That's all I need! For you to set my bloody kneecaps on fire!" He exclaimed. Seamus slammed down his wand "I don't appreciate the insinuation Longbottom! Besides, if anyone cares to notice, my eyebrows have completely grown back!" And with that, he turned away and headed away from the group. (Y/n) had noticed that there was a large bald patch on the back of her brother's head.

She gulped a little and leaned over to Dean "Potions?" She asked bluntly to which he replied "Yep" The girl sighed knowing once her twin was in a foul mood, there was no getting him back aside from just letting him calm down. The girl leaned over to her best friend "anymore luck with information on the philosopher's stone?" The bushy haired girl looked over at the ginger and raven haired boys across from her and turned back to her "We've been thinking (Y/n), since you've been in the hospital wing, we don't want you to get involved any more than you have, we promise to tell you everything but we can't let you get any more hurt than you have already"

The girl felt a little upset but she knew her friends were just trying to look out for her, she smiled at them and nodded "I understand, I appreciate you three looking out for me" the boys smiled at her as she went back to her studying. Suddenly, her three friends jumped up and ran out of the hall without warning, the girl frowned, a little disappointed that she couldn't go with them. "Wait! What about the counter-curse!?" Neville shouted before falling backwards. An array of laughter and ridicule erupted at the sight of the poor boy.

The small girl stood up, and walked over to her brunette friend, grabbing both of his hands and pulling him up. Once he noticed it was her, his face lit up as he engulfed her in a long hug. The girl sighed, feeling very comfortable with the situation, she pulled away from the boy and grabbed her wand. Pointing it at his feet, she chanted "Crura Reserata" a purple spark emitted from the tip of her wand caused Neville's feet to break free. The boy sighed with relief as he thanked his friend whole heartedly, "Neville, will you do something for me?" she asked. The boy sat down with her and said "What's that?"

The small girl peered down the table to see her brother reading his book on his own before looking back at the male in front of her "when you're back in the dorm tonight, will you apologise to Seamus, you were a little rude to him earlier" The brunette looked down at the table guiltily and said "yeah, you're right, I will do that." (Y/n) smiled before looking over at the Slytherin table "You want me to talk to Draco for you? I might be able to get him to stop" she asked genuinely.

Neville gulped and shook his head "I wouldn't, Malfoy can do some pretty horrible things" "But if it isn't stopped, it'll continue to happen" the girl rose from her seat but the brunette boy grabbed her hand and pleadingly looked up at his friend. She sighed and sat back down again, giving into her friend's pleads.

Later on in the afternoon, the first years had their final exam, Care of Magical creatures. (Y/n) walked out of the room feeling incredibly proud of herself, she simply adored the subject and was fascinated by all the wonderfully weird and special creatures that existed. Especially, she was glued to the book 'Fantastic Beasts and where to find them' .

That evening, she sat with her brother and Dean in the boys dormitory discussing how the exam went and what the plans for the summer were. "Where's Neville?" (Y/n) asked, a little concerned, the boys only shrugged as they went back to talking. At around 10 o'clock, Percy as always retrieved the small girl and walked her back to her dormitory where she got into bed and started reading under the covers so she wouldn't be caught awake.

Not long after 11 o'clock, the young girl began to settle down, silently placing her book on the floor as to not wake the others. Out of the blue, she heard a faint creaking of the floorboards, hiding under her duvet, she peered out and spotted Hermione sneaking out, fully dressed. (Y/n) frowned, very confused at her friend's odd behaviour. After a minute of contemplating, she rose from her bed and slipped on her fluffy slippers and her thing dressing gown. She crept out of the door and hid behind the stone balcony that overlooked the gryffindor common room.

She heard faint voices who she quickly identified to be Harry, Ron and Hermione's, talking in hushed tones. The honey blonde couldn't quite make out what they were saying but then heard a new voice interject the conversation. She couldn't tell who it was but seconds later, a fairly loud thud was heard like someone had fallen over. Footsteps could be heard walking out of the room, once they were in the distance, (Y/n) raced down the stairs to find a poor Neville on the floor completely still and pale. The girl gasped as she realised that the full body binding curse had been used on him.

The tween pulled out her wand and aimed it at the still body on the floor as she spoke quietly "Finite Incantatum" she chanted, allowing a red light to escape from the tip of her wand. The boy on the floor no longer looked pale as he slowly sat up. His shorter friend sat down in front of him looking at the floor, a little lost. "Why am I down here?" He asked, a little bewildered. "You finally stood up for yourself, I'm proud of you Neville" the boy looked a bit excited at the thought of him being brave.

The boy then went to stand up but fell back down again with a groan. His feet ached and stang, as if they had stopped functioning completely. He hissed a little in pain as the girl in front of him tried to work out what was wrong. After a while, she gave up trying to figure out the problem and took his arm and slung it round her neck to prop him upright. Getting used to the weight on her shoulders, she began to drag him out of the common room and down the stairs towards the hospital wing.

Thankfully, they weren't caught by Filch so their journey was fairly simple. Once through the doors of the large room, Madam Pomfrey was just putting away all of the ingredients she had used that day. "Mr Longbottom! Miss Finnigan! What are you doing out of bed!?" She spoke with a hushed but shocked tone. The small girl gasped a little for air, yes the boy was heavy but she was far too polite to say so "Sorry to bother you but I found Neville in the common room having just been hit with the full body-binding curse, I used the counter-curse which did work but his feet seem to be paralysed."

Madam Pomfrey's face softened, knowing that the duo had done the right thing to come and see her. She ushered for the girl to take Neville to one of the empty beds and have him sit down. "I'm very surprised that you knew the counter-curse for this particular spell miss Finnigan, most students panic when they see another under this spell." The girl smiled as stood on the other side of the bed. "Now this is only a temporary side effect from the spell, if it had worn off on its own with no counter curse, the side effects would last much longer"

She rose from her inspection and almost glided towards her cupboard and pulled out a brown bottle with a spoon. "Now thankfully, you brought Mr Longbottom to me quickly enough that I shall be able to remedy the side effects." She opened the bottle and pour a bit of the contents onto the spoon. The boy opened his mouth and took the medicine that was given to him. He squinted and cringed at the revolting taste, but ultimately swallowed it. Soon after, the aching feeling in his feet was gone and he was able to stand again.

He thanked the older woman who just nodded and ushered the tweens to go back to their dormitories. "Actually, Miss Finnigan, before you go, are you able to tell me who did this to Mr Longbottom?" The girl stood still for a moment, thinking as to whether she should tell her or not. She sighed "I'm sorry Madam Pomfrey, if I knew, I would tell you, I couldn't see who did it" (Y/n) answered, knowing full well that she was lying through her teeth.

The woman nodded understandingly and let them both go back to their dormitories. Neville was very confused "but you heard them do it, why didn't you tell her the truth?" The girl looked at her friend walking beside her "I promised to keep whatever they were doing a secret, if I told on them, what kind of friend would I be?" Neville smiled "At least you helped me out, you're such a kind friend"

She's always kind (Neville X Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now