Bad ending! Cuphead x Reader

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He dragged me down. Down and down. I couldn't breathe anymore. He ripped my clothes right off of me, forcing me into a silky dress. I tried to get him off of me, but I knew it wasn't him.
Someone was controlling him. Someone big, powerful and dark. Cup dragged me all the wall down a dark hall and into a throne room. 

"Here she is boss." He said to whatever it was that had ordered him to do this to me. "Good. Take that piece of shit down to room 56." A loud raspy voice ordered. "Yes sir." Cup picked me up, hitting my head against something so I wouldn't struggle with him anymore. 

I woke up in a dark room, alone. He'd laid me down and left me here. In the morning, he walked into the room and sat at the edge of the bed.  "How'd ya sleep, toots?" He asked. "Just as you'd expect, asshole. Very little." I said angrily. My words seemed to piss him off because he went from a concerned frown to an angry pout. "Look. I don't get a say here, so just keep your shit to yourself and we'll be good." He said and walked out. I groaned and threw a tantrum as soon as I heard the sound of his boots fade away. 

I fell right back asleep and ignored everything around me. When I woke up again, I noticed a tray of food sitting right there, waiting ever so delicately for me to go eat it. I hurried over and gobbled it all down.  The tea was still warm, but not hot. That meant Cup had probably came in here when I was asleep. It boiled the blood in my veins. 'Why is he doing this to me?' I asked myself. I sat down, my back pressed up against the door and I fell asleep. 

I felt myself get picked up and carried somewhere else. The food must've had something in it because that shit made me really sleepy.  "Hey. Wake the fuck up." I heard a voice. 

"Let me go!" I yelled. "Shh! It's me, Ben." I opened my eyes and saw that it was in-fact Bendy. "Oh hey." I waved weakly. "Let's get you the fuck out of here. Where's Cup?" He asked, his hand over my mouth. I pulled his hand away and whispered. "He's the one that brought me here." 

"Wait w-what!?" He looked at me in disbelief. "I fucking knew that bastard would do something like this! That traitor has us all under his finger this whole time!" Bendy started yelling, his face going red. "Hey, now you shh!" I covered his mouth and we looked around, hoping no one heard us. "Come on." He signaled me to follow him down the corridors. We ran straight down the stairs and didn't wait a single second. He ran too fast and turned the corner a few seconds before Cup spotted me. I looked back but Bendy was already gone. "Why are you outta your room?" Cup yanked me up and nearly dragged me right back into my room, before he took another turn and threw me into another room. "The boss told me several times to lock that damn door, but I didn't want to listen. I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this to you." He said. "What?" I asked, rather scared. He came closer to me and pulled a hustle on me. "Wait what!?" He tied me up to the room's bed pole. "Stay here please." He was heading out the door, when I called out.  "I'll stay, but please tell me why the hell you're doing this to me!" I said. He stood still for a second then spoke. 

"I have no choice, alright!?" He turned around, his sleepless eyes staring daggers into mine. "I fucked up BAD, Y/n. He's gonna kill me and my brother if I don't kill you all." He said, tears decorating the frame of his face like diamonds. His silhouette glowing red, then fading as he walked out. 

I sat there on the floor. "You're not like this...." I sobbed. "I know you..." I tried to convince myself it wasn't how he just said, but everything I tired to make myself believe was immediately turned down by how obvious it was that he had betrayed us. He was a liar. "Why did I have to love you...why....why when I start to give into my feelings is it t-that you d...decide to do me like this??...why." I felt myself collapse.  My lungs gave out and I cried endlessly. I sobbed in silence and let the tears glide down my cheeks. 

"Y/n!" Bendy rushed into the room and ripped the ropes around me. "You okay? Did that fucker do anything to you? Did his bitch ass rape you!? What'd he do!?" I hushed him, putting a finger over his lips. "No." I said. I got up and walked out. "He just did what he was ordered to do if I got out of my room. Ben...he's supposed to kill us. He must've gotten himself in some deep shit and now we have to pay for it." I said, tears still pouring out of my sockets. "That little shit!" Bendy growled and walked out with me. This time, we made sure to be cautious. I managed to sneak my way past the main hall and out of the throne room. Bendy followed me closely, keeping an eyes out in case anyone was following us, but lucky for us, no one was.

"We gotta get the hell outta here!" He whistled out the window and pulled me down a long rope Mr. Felix had tied to the windowsill. I didn't look at anyone. I just sat in the cab, squeezing the soft silky dress Cup had forced onto me. I cried... and I cried a LOT. I was quiet enough to avoid suspicion from the others, but inside, I was living a whole 'nother kind of hell. This one hurt too much. 

"We....we can't save them...can we?" I asked. "Hell nah! Those fuckers deserve to rot in hell for all they've done to you." Boris said. "Boris!" Bendy scolded. "You know it's true!" He said. "Mugman was your friend!" I said. "It's just Cup..." I said, breaking down again. "Hey hey!" Bendy wrapped me up in a blanket. "Don't cry, doll. Please don't cry, come one. That cocksucker ain't worth your precious tears!" He held me in his arms and tried to comfort me the rest of the ride. "We gotta get back to Alice, she'll know what to do." He said. "Ok." I smiled faintly and held in a few sobs. "It'll all be ok. My girls gonna have you all fixed up in no time." That was the last thing he said before I recall falling fast asleep.

'Cuppy...I know there's still something left in ya....I'll be back for you..' I thought to myself.

((((What do y'all think??? Any good? Part 2 maybe??? If you think so, drop a vote and comment if you're interested in a second part!! -Mel))))

Cuphead x reader (Why Not)Where stories live. Discover now