A little rascal😉

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{Cup's pov}

I was just strolling on the park one day, minding my own business, when I got the sudden feeling I was being followed. I walked rather slowly, looking to my sides every now and then. I saw a shadow follow me into a small drug store, but it faded away when I passed the chips isle. When I looked up at the mirror on the ceiling, I could finally see a figure which was infact following me.
I walked out if the store and into the crack between that building and the next. There i could see the rather curvy silhouette that had been following me all this time. "You want something?" I turned around to look at a girl rather shorter than me, but filled with spunk.

"Gimme all you got on you!" She demanded, holding a pocket knife to my face. The cars zoomed past, causing the lights to reflect off my face and blind her for a second.
I took advantage and slapped the weapon out of her hand. I pinned her to the wall and pressed her face against the cold bricks. I stood behind her, twisting both of her arms far from where she could reach to grab another weapon. "H-hey!" She yelled. "What is it ya want from me, dollface!" I said into her ear. She struggled to get away from me. "Look pal, all I wanted was your money..nothing else!" She stammered, still trying to sound tough. "Get outta here, kid. The slum ain't such a good place for a damsel like yourself to be hanging out alone!" I let go of her, causing her to fall over. "Asshole!" She cried out. She winced feeling her bruised arm. "Sorry, but not sorry." I turned around and left.

A few months had passed that I hadn't seen her.  On a Sunday, with the sun shinning like never before, I finally got to see my little rascal again.
"Hey!" I called out. She turned around, startled. "W-where?? Wait, the hell are you doing here?" She asked. "I'm not really from the slum, I just like to hang around there." She nodded and stepped away. "My name's Cuphead by the way. You?" I could tell she was hesitant to tell me, but she finally spoke. "Y/N" she mumbled. "Oh, well y/n...quit stealing shit, cuz that's gonna get you in a fuck-lot of trouble one day, trust me." I said. "Ok." She twirled her hair in one of her fingers, looking at me from cup to shoes.

{Your pov}

'he is kinda cute-NO WAIT! Y/n, you barely even know him! He's only barely introduced himself! Quit being such a desperate fuck!
"W-well, Cuphead, I'm sorry for acting that way. I truly am!" I said with a smile. He seems to accept it, tossing a blonde curl to the side of his face. He smirked a bit, making me more or less sure he wasn't all too mad at me anymore.
"You wanna hang out or... something??" I asked. Things were getting hella akward, an that needed to change ASAP!
"Sure doll." He turned around and opened the cafe door for me. I stepped out into the sunshine and followed him to where we'd first met. The park.

"How did you know I was following you?" I asked suddenly. This seemed to anger him, since I guess he wanted to leave that all completely behind us. "I've been stalked by  worse people, so I kinda learned to stay alert." He bragged. I scoffed. "Yeah yeah, 'Mr. Toughguy', tell me the truth." I nudged him with my shoulder. "Heh, alright. In the slum, people tend to pick on suckers that look weak. I am really weak...at least when your comparing me to any other guy down in my street. They can fight well and take a bullet to the neck without bleeding out like a pussy."
I snickered, giving him a smile. "Folks constantly pick on me and my brother...so I try to act as if I could shoot them all in one go." He whispered. We'd gone far enough into the slum that I was sure we were being watched and heard. Explains why he whispered that last part.

"Can you show me where ya live?" I asked. "Bit sudden of ya..but I guess." He agreed and walked me to his apartment. He let me go up the stairs first, which sort of made me blush. -no wait!-
When we stepped inside, through the large window, he offered me a glass of tea. "Thanks." I said and sat down on the large chair. "You have a nice apartment" I said. "Really?" He looked up rather flushed. "Yeah. My place doesn't compare to the luxury you're living." I said. He smiled faintly, allowing the blush he had to spread farther across his porcelain face.
"Oh what I'd give to live somewhere as nice as this." I sighed and sipped my tea.

[Months later>>]

After several weeks of hard working at the cafe, I managed to get myself an apartment right next to Cup's. We're neighbors!

"Good morning, Cuppo!" I said. I opened his window so I could fit and shook him awake. He rolled a bit in his bed and looked at me. "Ugh...wuuut?" He looked trippy. "Have you been drinking?" I asked. "Mhm." He responded.
"Fine then, I guess I'll have to care for you on this hangover you forced yourself into."

Too bad he never really stopped drinking, cuz I was getting rather tired of having to baby him every day.

"Thanks for being here with me." He said. I was covering him up on the big couch, 3 blankets over him. "Oh." I flushed. "W-well, it's no biggy, my friend." I smiled. "You know... I've been thinking..would you by any chance--" he mumbled. I could tell it was important because his entire face was as red as a tomato. He pulled the corner of one of the blankets over his face. "L-like...to go out with me?" He finished. I jumped up a bit. "I-ii.. I'D LOVE TO!" I hugged him making him blush up even more. "R-really?" I nodded. He picked me up and gave me a light kiss on the lips. I froze up from the sudden gesture. "Aww" I kissed him back gently.
For the rest of the evening, we cuddled right on the armchair and watched shows in TV.

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