Little thief

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(female y/n)

Y/n was a skilled thief. Many people knew her by how quite she was when she pickpocket other people.
The police were walkways after her, but couldn't arrest her because she was too young.

Later, she gave up the role and decided to go back to school. That backfired and she was always considered the class dunce. Having giving up learning and receiving any sort of education, she went back to the streets and returned to her old life. Now she just pickpocket people on buses, gave people fake tickets and ran away with their money, and even went as far as to start grave robbing.

She went back to being the town's criminal, and because she was now of age, the police could now arrest her meaning she was in much bigger danger now.
She usually stayed in old motels where the police would least expect her to be. She stole the money form the front desk and ran off to go have a meal.
In an old run down bar, she met this guy. Tall, skinny, scrummy, with messy blonde hair.  Attractive but poorly dressed. He looked like one of those drug addicts form back in highschool.
"What'll it be, doll?" He asked.

"Whiskey." Y/n said. He nodded and turned around to prepare her drink.
She watched him intently, scanning his every move.  Casually looking down at where he kept his tips, she eyed those closely, something in her gut itching to reach over and take a few bucks.
He turned back around in time before she could get her hands on one of them. He looked at her extended hand and hands her the glass. She awkwardly took it and shit it all down in one gulp.

{Y/n's POV-}
"You're not from around here, right?" He asked.
"No. Why d'ya care?" I asked, trying my best to look tough. He could see past it though, which made me nervous.
"I don't, but I'm sure some off he folks here do." He eyed the other people around us, some of them looking back at me.
"What's going on?" I asked him.
"You y/n?" He asked.
"Yeah why?"
"I just want your skank ass to know, we here don't have nothing of work for you to steal, so get the fuck out of here." He pointed a pistol at me.
I staggered out of the bar and ran as fast as I could and into a small gap between two buildings.
I stayed there and panted. Never in my life had someone pointed a gun at me, and whenever he did I was so frightened I felt my heart would come out of my mouth! I panted nervously waiting to see if someone was following me, but no one was. I stayed there for about an hour and finally decided to come out. Right outside of the bar, was that blonde taking a long whiff at his cigarette.
"Hey!" He waved at me. I jumped in surprise.
"How did you know I was there?" I asked.
"You're not very good at hiding, babe." He remarked. I scoffed and walked up beside him.
"Why do you have to point that gun at me?" I asked.
"I mean you no harm. I'm a thief myself. I sometimes take the tips from all my other employees and sometimes take the money from the bastards that are too drunk to even get the fuck up themselves. I just didn't want anyone else in that bar to pull up a gun and actually shoot you in the head." He smiled.
I felt a bit if relief and somewhat safer. He handed me the cigarette and I took a short but strong whiff at it. He snorted. "I figured you smoked, with other nasty teeth you got there." He laughed.
"Fuck you. Leave my pearly whites alone." I groaned. He laughed and threw his cigarette on the ground. He gave a big stomp, making it sizzle.
I agreed to let him walk me over to his house. I was hoping he'd have something if worth, but was greatly disappointed when I saw he had a small shack-like house.
It was probably as big as a rich man's shed, still being too small to even be considered a house.
He poured me a glass of wine and sat next to me in the couch. "Why do you steal?" I asked.
"I haven't in a long while actually. The last thing I stole  might have been the most valuable thing in this world." He said. "So I felt stealing to be unnecessary, especially after taking something so valuable." He took a sip of his wine and smiled.
"Yeah right, what is it that you stole?" I asked. "A simple map, nothing special, but it belonged to a really good friend of mine. too bad the sucker's dead." He said.
"Oh man, I'm sorry." I said. He shrugged and finished his drink.

We became pretty good friends after that, every now and then, he's bring me some of the snacks from the bar and even let me crash at his place.
"Why are you so nice to me?" I asked. He sat down on the velvet couch and wrapped an arm around me. "Because you look like the type to get easily caught."
I scoffed and pushed him away. He laughed for a bit then came back. "I'm sorry babe. It's just have a criminal living in the house of another criminal. I like having someone like you around." He smiled at me. "Reminds me of the good old days." He whispered that last part and rubbed my back. I smiled at him faintly and laid back in the couch with him.

Some time passed and I started to notice him getting every day nicer and nicer with me. He even brought me a large vase full if flowers. He usually like from sleep in his small twin sized bed, but today he prefers to sleep with me on the couch. We ate ice cream and watched comedies until we fell fast asleep. All the while, I could feel his arms wrapped tightly around my frame.
He nuzzled up against my neck and hummed me to sleep. It was done most comfortable sleep I'd had in years.
In the morning, he woke me up with a light kiss on the forehead and waffles waiting for me at the little table. He picked me up and crossed my legs around his waist. I sat down and he sat across from me. We ate silently and happily.
Afterwards, he asked me that one question I had been dying to hear.
"You wanna be my girlfriend?"
"Fuck yes!" I yelled almost instantly. I halted and covered my mouth. "Sorry. I mean...yes, I'd love to."
"Hehe, ok." He laughed it off and we just cuddled for the rest of the day.

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