Cake (fluff)

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<<Y/n is female in this one>>

I was doing my rounds, visiting each table in the cafe, asking the customers if they needed anything and taking the dirty dishes to the back. On my 5th round, there was this guy that looked rather fucked up. His head was cracked and his blonde hair was torn up. He had twigs in his head and his tea had dirt in it. He looked like he'd been jumped!
"Are you alright sir?" I asked rather concerned. He looked away, maybe avoiding conversation. I waited for a moment for his response. He had a bit of a European accent when he spoke. "No. I lost my brother." He said coldly. I gasped and looked around hoping I could maybe sit down for a bit. I took the chair in front of him and sat down. "Is there anything we can do to help you?" I asked. "I don't think so, doll. Thanks though." He smiled. He was rather handsome, despite the cracks that adorned the right side of his face. He just looked like a sad fella that was in desperate need of a hug.
"I'm terribly sorry for your brother." I said. Once again, he smiled and thanked me.
I passed him a few drinks throughout my rounds. I didn't want him to leave until my shift was over, so I kept passing him tea after tea. He never rejected them.
Once my shift was finally over I ran over to him. He was already in his way out the door when he noticed I was behind him. "I'm not sure if it's my business or if there's more to this than you've said, but I want to help you find your brother." I said. He snickered. "He's dead." He said. I stood still, shocked. "W-what?" I looked at him, worried. He took my hand and walked me to a small heap in the dirt under a large tree. "we used to play near this tree. He loved it and watered the flowers that grew here everyday." He walked dme to the side where the mud seemed to have been moved or....dug up!
"D-d-did you burry him here!?" I asked. He nodded. "Some mermaid looking bitch tricked him into thinking she was good and tore him to shreds. We all trusted her, including me. She looked so innocent and kind, but really she just wanted to eat him." He teared up. He placed his arm on the bark if the tree and slid down the rough surface. I sat down next to him, both of us eyeing the mound of mud and flowers. "Sorry.." I said. "That's the 3rd time you've said that. I know you're sorry." He wiped a few tears from his face. I pet his back and he sudden hugged me. He poured out into my arms, crying like a child without their momma. I held him gently, rubbing his back softly. We stayed like this for a few minutes until he stopped crying so harshly. He scooted back and against the tree. "Sorry about that. How rude." He said. "No, it's fine. I get it. We all need a shoulder to cry on sometimes." I comforted him, giving him a shoulder hug. He seemed to relax , letting his head rest on my shoulder.
I picked a few flowers and made him a little crown. He did the same, only he couldn't really fold the steps into a ring. I helped him and pulled on the crown. I threw the leaves out of his hair and gave his porcelain face a light kiss. "You look so much better with a smile on your face." I said. This made him blush up. He hid his red face and made a muted scream. I snickered, patting his back. "Aww."

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