🍦Help me🍦

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∆y/n is female∆

Y/n's POV-
I was cleaning the tables of the restaurant when he walked in. I was waitress here at some sort of Chilies knockoff restaurant.
I eyed him carefully as he made his way to his table. He looked like troublemaker in all honesty. I approached him and asked him what he'd like to eat. He just asked for a glass of water and sulked back in his seat. I went back and got him his water.
When i came back he had passed out right there on his table. I dropped the glass and it fell to the ground with a crash! I hurried over to get help and carried him to the kitchen. His arms were bleeding with deep intentional wounds. He'd harmed himself bad enough to rein himself unconscious. I was left alone with him while the staff panicked. They hurried to get bandages and some went to call and ambulance. I tied my apron tightly around his wrist and a soaking cloth on his other.
Soon enough, the doctors hurried into the kitchen and took him away.
I quit right after that.

Soon I got another jobs this time at s mechanic. Everyone saw me as the shop's slut for being around men all the time, but I payed them no mind. He showed up a few days after I started working there. He looked at me familiarly...as if he knew it was me. I got nervous and felt my palms sweat. He approached me and asked me for some bolts for his brother's car. I hurried over and asked the mechanic that was working on a truck what bolts were needed for a Cadillac. The short stub crawled out from underneath the car and handed me the bolts. I came back and handed them to him in a bag. He reached for them and I noticed he had several bandages on both his wrists.
"Umm.. I'm not sure if you remember..bu-" I began.
"You're the lady from that restaurant..I know I know." He rolled his porcelain eyes and walked out. I looked down and saw a roll of money. I walked out after him and headed straight towards his car. "Look buddy! What the hell was that!? Why did you walk in and do all that?? It's been bugging me for quite a while and I just really need to know!" I demanded. He stopped his car and walked out. "You know... this isn't my brothers car anymore... The fucker was killed thanks to one of your coworkers!" He looked angry and at the same time heartbroken. He teared up and went back to his car. I held onto the trim and apologized.
"I'm..sorry." I said. "I get that you are...trust me I hear it a lot. Just stay out of it and don't grow too attached to that mechanic.." he said.
I watched him horrified as he does down the street.

A few weeks later, I was still working with the short mechanic and his young brother. They seemed nice...a little too nice sometimes.
The shorter one was always running to the restroom at around noon, saying he had some sort of problem that required him to honder up the restroom from 5 to 7pm.
I ignored it and kept working. Talking to clients about what sorts of things their cars needed and such.
One afternoon, I saw him again. This time he looked furious, as if he were about to kill someone. As if here were even willing to do it with his own bare hands!
He went straight for me and threw me into a closet.
"Look..you gotta swear you won't tell a soul or else I'll be forced to shove s bullet in your head." He said pointing his finger against my forehead. I panted and nodded desperately, trying not to piss him off more than he already was. I sat there in the closet for what felt like forever until I finally heard the loud blast. It came from the restroom!
I rushed out if the closet and saw him dragging the little body out of the men's room. I gasped and fell to my knees. He looked at me with his full eyes, lifeless.
The little tag on his best that read 'Bendario' made s little clanking noise as his body was thrown into a dumpster. I cried, holding my head.
The tall cup walked over to me and picked me up. "I SWEAR K WON'T TELL ANYONE!! PLEASE JUST DON'T KILL ME!! I BEG YOU PLEASE DON'T!!"
"Quit screaming damnit." He hushed me, putting his hand over my mouth. "You saw too much.." he tied me up to the seat in his car and drove away.
I remember him being rude at first, constant forcing me to eat the shit he gave me, hitting me when I'd disobey and try to leave, threaten me with killing my family, and stabbing me if I didn't keep quiet. Though he later became a lot more gentle..

No, like, really gentle. He went to the point he asked me if I wanted to wear his clothes since, for over a year, I'd been wearing the same uniform from the auto shop. I wore his old sweater now, every now and then the old shirts that didn't fit him anymore.
He let me sleep with him and would asked me what u wanted to eat almost every night. He gave me gentle kisses in the morning and the most fun sex at night.
Call it Stockholm syndrome, but I feel like it's more than just feeling affection for one's abductor.. it's some sort of love and dependence.
I need to be with him to feel complete and loved, if not I feel like a failure and a waste.

I like living with him because I never have to bother an drove myself. He treats me like a goddess, giving me all the love I could ever want and mountains and mountains of diamonds.
I'll admit, he's a murderer and a sociopath, but that won't take away the fact I met him through that. I sort of have to thank I got that job alongside Bendario..
Because he introduced me to my "toxic" lover and to a life without problems or difficulty.

Cuphead x reader (Why Not)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz