Grey Jeans🍋

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(male y/n)

{Cup's POV-}

I was sitting with y/n on my lap. He was typing away, finishing his essay. "Babe." I whispered. "Mh?" He didn't even look over at me, making me sort of frustrated. "Babe." I said again.
"What?" He spoke, still looking at the screen. Now this boiled my veins. I slammed the laptop shit and forced his eyes on me. "Look at me when I'm fucking talking to you!" He looked so startled, he dropped the pen he'd been holding. I shoved him off of me and onto the bed. He staggered back and tried to get me off of him. "Hey!"
I shit him up with a rough kiss and bit his soft bottom lip.
"C-Cuppy! I need to finish my work! Can this please wait till later? get off of me!" He struggled. "Hell no you make me wait too much. That stupid essay can wait, I can't. I want attention!" I bit his already bruised neck and sucked on it until I left another hickey. "Cuppy!~" he struggled in my arms. I got out of the crook of his neck and looked at him angrily.
"The fuck you want now idiot, I'm busy!" I put my hand over his loud little mouth and continued in kissing him.
He moaned out in annoyance or maybe pleasure, I don't know.
"You're always like this! please wait! God, you're so impatient!" He managed to get out of my grasp and backed up against the wall. I crawled over to him, pinning him down again, and ripping the pillows away. He tried to right back, but I didn't let him escape.
"Come on baby just 20 minutes! I really want you!~" I said. He shook his head no, making me even more mad.
"Fuck off! That grade may be worthless now, but at least it'll  benefit me more than sleeping with you!" He slapped me and got off the bed. I sat there, just holding my cheek.
"Cunt." I said and left.

A few days passed and I saw him again. He was wearing some skin tight grey Jeans. They looked so fucking hot on him, it gave me a boner.
Somehow, I have no fucking idea how, but he forgave me and even told me he needed some help with another assignment. I agreed, but what this little shit didn't know, was that I was already planning how to get back at him.

"Where'd you get them jeans, babe?" I asked, placing my hand on his thighs.
"Um...I got them from that store down the street." He said. He looked down at my hand and moved it to my own leg.
I felt the tea in my head boil. He looked so cute! Thai boner was killing me!

We finished the paper and I could tell he was exhausted. He laid back in the large chair we shared and closed his eyes for a minute.
I took advantage of this and swept him up in my arms a d kicked the door shut. I threw him into the bed and went over to lock the door.
I came back and saw him looking up at me, frightened.
"Wait! What are you-" I shut him up with a big kiss.
"You make me wait too long~" I pinned him down onto the bed and didn't let him get loose this time. He struggled with me, trying to hide the fact he was enjoying it. I licked his neck and bit down harshly onto his collar bone.
I ripped his little shirt right off of him and pulled his legs up in the air.
"You look so cute in these jeans, baby boy~" I pulled them down, along with his little underwear. He looked away from me, hiding his face with a pillow.
I undid my pants and yanked off my sweater. He looked up and stared at my hard on intently.
"It's not gonna fucking fit!" He yelled. "Oh some the fuck on, baby, it's always fit~"
"Yeah but we haven't down it in a while, so I don't thin-"
I yanked him up by his arms and forced him to look at me. I sat him down on my boner.
"And why do you think that is, huh? You're right, we haven't done it in a while, and why is that? Because you're always fucking busy with your essays and shit!You never pay me any attention anymore!" I forced him  down all the way, pushing my dick all the way up inside him.
"GAH!~ CUPHEAD!!~" He struggled to get away from me, failing miserably and rather cutely if I do say so myself.

{Y/n's POV-}
He slammed me over and over onto his hard cock. I tried to get away form him to keep myself form looking like I actually enjoy this.
"Hun, I'm very sorry for doing that to you, but can you please let me go this hurts!!" I begged. He didn't listen. Instead, he moved even faster, making me jump up in pain.
"Cup!~" I moaned out. "Yeah?" He finally answered.
"Slow the fuck down!! You're going to break my hip, please stop!!~"
He laid me down, making some of the pain less intense. I bit down onto my lip and felt my whole body take a screenshot as he started cumming.
He didn't even warn me, he just started moaning a load louder and filled me up in less than a minute!
"Cuphead!~ C-Cuppy!~ stop please!!~"
He pulled out and did exactly what I expected him to do. He grabbed my face and kissed me roughly.
"I love you, baby~ I love you so much! So fuck-fucking much! You have no fucking idea how long i-i've...wanted to do this with you, baby~" he flooded my head with his sweet compliments and 'i love you's.
"Okay okay I enjoyed it too now calm down, baby!~" I finally said. He smiled at me and rested his head on my chest. We fell asleep and didn't wake up until next day noon.

My back hurt all week, not to mention my hip!
I passed, but at a pretty high cost.

Cuphead x reader (Why Not)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora