True Comrades

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It was supposed to be an average day. You were supposed to have a nice at home weekend after a long friday. Your eyes flickered to your window where snow was falling vigorously. Condensation slowly formed on the glass as you sighed. The weather man today predicted about a foot of snow, but you only became aware of this after practice. It started snowing when you were on your way home and you were absolutely freezing. Luckily though you were home now and you had no plans of going back outside into the cold. Instead you decided to scroll through your social media. A delightful ding filled your ears as you got a text from the Crow group chat. Inspecting the texts you saw that Hinata, Noya, and Tanaka wanted to play in the snow, but you ignored their request for you to join.
A while later a knock was heard at your door and you walked down calmly and peered through the peep hole. You then groaned and opened the door.

"Y/N why aren't you ready?"
Tanaka asked with confusion

"Ready- for what?"
You replied

"We are going to battle in the snow!"
Noya exclaimed with sparkles in his eyes

He is trying to make playing in the snow sound cool.......

"The rest of the team is on their way"
He continued

"To where?"
You raised an eyebrow

He said

"Here as in my house?"

The duo then nodded

"You invited the team to my house without my permission"
You sweatdropped

"No we invited them to your backyard, we need a big battlefield and yours is the biggest"
Tanaka spoke and Noya nodded

How do they know how big my backyard is.....did they inspect everyone's backyard just for this occasion.

So now you're here. Standing knee deep in snow. Thankfully you had the proper "battle gear" to protect yourself from the snow such as a coat, snow pants, gloves, etc. That said you were planning on relaxing for the rest of the day inside; not having a large group of boys in your backyard arguing about how they were going to begin the "battle". You rolled your eyes to their nonsense,

because snow ball fights don't even have real rules.

"I think we should begin all in the same place with no time to create forts"

"Hinata, as much as I respect you, we need to have premade defense systems; no soldier goes into a battle without defense"

"Maybe we should just give each team 5 minutes to prepare"

- Suga
"How long are they going to argue?"
Tsukishima said under his breath which only Yamaguchi was able to hear

You picked up a handful of frosty snow and formed it into a ball. Searching for a target, you aimed for who you knew would retaliate after your hit. You brought your arm back and whipped the snowball right at Tanaka.

The argument stopped and all you were met with was silence.

Your laughter echoed through the silence until you had all the eyes on you.

"How about no rules-"
You started
"Shut up NERD"
Tanaka shouted and a snowball hit you right in the face. You counterattacked with a snowball at Suga even though Tanaka threw it at you.

Slowly everyone became a part of the fight and you made your way to the corner of your backyard and started constructing a fort. You had about 5 minutes before someone would realize you dipped, so you immediately got to work.

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