Chapter 67- Hope.

Start from the beginning

"Do something." he growled at Paul and the surrounding nurses.

"Will give her some antibiotics and then perform an ultrasound to check on the pups." he moved over to me with an iv one of the nurses wheeled over to him, before finding a vein to stick it into.

I hissed in pain at the slight pinch, making Landon growl, "Landon." I breathed, gripping his hand in mine, "It hurts." his eyes bore into mine with concern and sadness.

"I know love but, this should take the pain away okay?" he assured me with a small smile and smoothed down my damp hair from the rain, "Everything will be alright." he leaned down to press a soft kiss against my head.

Which only made more hot tears slide down my face, "I'm sorry." I whispered, "I thought I could do this." I breathed and he pulled away to look me in the eyes.

He shook his head, "No." he stated, "Don't you dare say sorry, nothing's wrong." he firmly finished, glancing to a nurse who was lifting up my nightgown.

Just my luck it would be Rachel, her eyes widen with alarm, "Can you, uh tell me where it hurts?" she asked hesitantly.

"My abdomen and my back hurts." I groaned as yet another wave of pain crashed into my already aching body.

"Why isn't the medicine you gave her working?" I heard Landon question with venom in his voice but, I could feel how scared he actually was.

Paul moved swiftly to take Rachel's spot, starting to feel around certain spots of my belly, "I-I'm not sure." Rachel stuttered, moving over to the iv.

The thunder outside rumbled and cracked with the fitful rain against the house. Sharp wind had also picked up, blowing through the trees outside. I could feel myself breathing heavier and heavier by the second. Landon was gripping onto my hand, stroking my hair with the other. Until Paul had locked eyes with me and his were filled with sorrow.

"What?" I asked, a sob breaking through, "Is it bad?" I felt fresh tears well up in my eyes.

His voice wavered, "We can keep giving her antibiotics but, I'm so sorry it seems she may be miscarrying."

I sucked in a huge breath at the words that fell from his mouth. Before letting it out with the violent sobs that accompanied it. Landon's hand on mine loosened and he cupped my face to make me look at him. His hazel eyes were wide with unshed tears, the pain he felt, the pain I felt was crashing together.

"It's okay baby, it's okay." he repeated these words over but, they didn't fill the ache in my chest with hope, "Just look at me okay?" he questioned and I couldn't stop my endless amount of tears from falling.

"I can't." I closed my eyes, my body being consumed by this unimaginable pain, "I can't."

All I could think about was how much I already loved my pups. How much I was ready to meet them and be a mother to them. How excited I was for Landon to be a father. Now that was all just, a picture of an already destroyed frame. I didn't want them to die, I didn't want them to leave us.

We had already come so far and I couldn't believe that out of everything I've endured, I had to endure more. I didn't want too, I didn't want to feel the pain of losing them. It was all too much, a couple months ago I almost lost Landon now I'm losing my pups for real. In this moment I realized what was happening, it was the consequence and that's what made me break even more.

"Layla, open your eyes." I slowly peeled my eyes open, moving my hands to cup his hands that were on my cheeks.

For the first time I noticed just how heartbroken he looked because of me. His hair was damp from the rain and his once bright hazel eyes were dark with pain. They were wide with fear and I watched a lone tear slide down his cheek. I reached up to swipe it away as my sobs quieted down but, I don't think my pain ever would.

"I'm so sorry." I repeated, "I seen how well everyone else handled their pregnancy's before but, I guess just a ru-"

"Hey." he shook his head, managing to make another tear fall which I caught to wipe away, "You're not just a runt, didn't I tell you to never say that?" he let out a small laugh but, it wasn't light hearted it was full of pain, "You're still perfect and I love you." he smiled through it for me.

"I love yo-" I was cut off by my own ear pitching scream.

My abdomen was on fire with pain, it ached and so did my back. I moved out of Landon's embrace to curl up, wrapping my arms around my belly. I whimpered, squeezing my eyes shut and crying out knowing that my pups were one step closer to death.

"Their dying Landon." I sobbed, through the pain and he looked in distress.

"Isn't there something you can do?" Landon asked with an edge to his tone, like he could break at any moment.

"I'm sorry alpha but, their already gone and she's not far along enough to get them out surgically." he explained, his voice dripping with fear.

I groaned and clutched my belly where I knew my little boys and girl were. I hope that they knew I loved them so much. And that I never wanted this to happen when I begged the moon goddess to give me back Landon that day.

"At least do something about her being in pain." he growled, his hands pushing away my hair that fell over my face, "And someone get me a fucking blanket she's shaking." he yelled in anger, my mind not even registering how badly I was actually shaking.

I hope that my pups knew they would have had such loving parents and grew up in a family where they were loved. Where they could be anything they wanted, do anything they wanted.

"This is anesthesia, we're going to double her dosage so she can sleep through the pain." he grabbed my hand from my belly with my reluctancy and took the previous iv out for the new one.

Before I fell asleep, the last thing I thought about was; I hope that they knew how much Landon and I wanted to be their parents.

How much I will always love them.

~~~ y'all doin....

Here's the probably most awaited chapter after Landon's death chapter. I thought the song I chose fit very well, especially the lyrics. But, okay I'm so sorry I had to do this but, a consequence is a consequence. Please don't hate me because, of this. And please don't leave the book now!

I still very much love you guys and Landon and Layla but, some things like this have to happen.

How are you feeling right now?

What are your thoughts?


I love you all and I hope you have a good day/afternoon/night <3

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