Chapter 2

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Beth's POV:

I got a call from Sam's phone since I don't own one. It was about the next stage of the competition. I auditioned 2 weeks ago ever since then I've still been looking for jobs somewhere. Just because I got through it doesn't mean I'll win. I'm still far from it actually.

So right now I'm in a room with an awful lot of people. Tulisa, Kelly and Louie should come in any second now since they had something to tell us.

I didn't recognize any of the people here. Well the ones in my eyesight I didn't recognize. I wasn't exactly looking around the room. I was just quiet in my little corner.

A girl sat next to me and I didn't really plan on acknowledging it but when I glanced to the left it was the girl who auditioned right before me.

She smiled at me and started introducing herself, "Hey, I'm Perrie." She said.

I was a bit stunned that she even talked to me. Then I remembered it's not that unusual and that I'm just fucked up.

"Hey I'm Elizabeth." I introduced myself giving her a forced smile.

"I know. You auditioned right after me. You have an awesome voice." She complimented.

I felt heat rushing to my face and I tried to hide it. The fuck? Why am I blushing.

"Thanks so do you." I complimented back.

"So where are you from?" She asked me. Why is she still talking to me? Can't she see that I'm not really social and weird?

"Uh I'm from Fordwich." I said. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't know it.

She blinked twice, seeming confused, "I'll be honest, I have no idea where that is."

I almost smiled. Hold the fuck up. What is this girl doing to me? I haven't smiled ever since that event. Not even my best friend since diapers could make me smile and some random girl can? A genuine smile.

"That doesn't surprise me it's a really little village. Where are you from?" I asked out of politeness.

"South Shields." She said. I could've guessed it. Her Geordie accent was pretty strong.

"Surprising." I said sarcastically. She smiled and pushed me gently and in a joking manner.

Just then the door opened and Tulisa, Kelly and Louie stepped inside.

"You're all probably wondering why you're here." Kelly started off.

"Everyone in this room is from our perspective best in a group. If you are not comfortable to work in a group with someone you may leave." Tulisa continued.

I was about to bolt. I mean they gave me a chance to back out so now would be the time.

But then I remembered Sam and her mom. They are paying for the gas and my stay plus food. The least I could do is try and win this for them.

So I leaned back in my chair again.

When no one made a move to stand up Kelly continued, "Alright Then, everyone stand up in a line please."

I stood there and noticed how my nerves decreased again. I'm not fond of people anymore, but I then again just don't care anymore as well.

At the end of their long assessment of each group they put together I had my group.

I was in a group with 3 other girls. Leigh-Anne, Jade and some other chick I didn't bother to learn the name from. She seemed arrogant so I really could already sense that this would go down the drain.

The Fifth Member (Little Mix/Perrie Edwards GxG)Where stories live. Discover now