Chapter 6: Just Friends

Start from the beginning

"I bought you something," Usagi announced and thrust the bag in her direction.

"Oh? For me? You shouldn't have." Seiya accepted the gift z bag and pulled out the softest scarf she'd ever felt. "Ooh, this feels nice! Thanks!"

"There's more."

Seiya delved to the bottom of the bag and whisked out an envelope. She lifted the tab and out spilled two tickets, beckoning her.

"I've always wanted to go see Fairy Island on Ice," Usagi said. "They're this figure skating holiday musical. I've heard it's amazing! They're performing downtown tomorrow. Do you want to go? I thought maybe we could get something to eat afterward since it's Christmas Eve."

Seiya narrowed her eyes playfully. "Wait, Bun Head, are you asking me out on a date?"

Usagi looked away, her arms crossed as if to shield herself. "What on earth would give you that idea? Especially after how our last 'date' ended?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that you keep that teddy bear keychain from our amusement park date on your nightstand?"

Usagi's gaze snapped back fast. Her eyes met Seiya's and she suddenly felt vulnerable. "Oh, so you were snooping in my room, huh?"

"Well, I had to clean in there too. It just happened to catch my eye."

Usagi ignored Seiya's stare and plopped down on the sofa. "The soup's going to get cold," she announced, changing the subject.

Seiya smiled inwardly. "Then we better eat up."

Usagi flicked on the television, the glow of the screen casting a soft illumination over the room. She shuffled through channels until landing on a family Christmas movie. It provided a cozy backdrop while they slurped their soup and chomped on bits of watermelon and pineapple - a delicacy this time of year.

"How long will Chibi-Usa sleep?" Seiya asked.

"If I'm lucky, she'll sleep til midnight. She usually needs a snack to fall back asleep."

"That's rough. I thought those all-night feedings were reserved for newborns. I guess there's a lot I don't know about kids."

"Every baby's different. She should start sleeping through the night any week now. At least, I hope so."

"Yeah." Seiya leaned back on the couch, kicking her socks up on the coffee table. She wore a new pair of pajamas - blue flannel with Christmas trees on them. She'd had Taiki pick up some clothes when she went out to get groceries. Seiya would be okay for another day, but if they ended up staying on Earth for longer, she'd have to go on a shopping spree of her own.

To her surprise, when Usagi leaned back beside her, she sat close enough to almost call it cuddling. Seiya could feel the weight of her body pressing gently against her side, and her golden-blonde hair brushing against her shoulder. Usagi's vanilla fragrance tickled her nose, and it sent her pulse into an unpredictable rhythm. Her nightgown was silky and thin, and Seiya could feel her skin's warmth as if she weren't wearing anything at all.

"Um, do you want some ice cream? I think Taiki bought a carton," Seiya said suddenly.

"I do, but I'd better not," Usagi said, sounding disappointed. "I had cheesecake earlier and pizza last night. I still need to lose the rest of the baby weight Chibi-Usa gave me."

"That's nonsense."

The movie played out on the TV, unraveling a scene where a couple, entangled in a fight, were talking it over by a fireplace. They attempted to mend their rift through a whispered conversation that led to lingering touches. The man started caressing the woman's face, and they leaned in and started kissing. Suddenly the woman was taking his jacket off and he was sliding her bra strap down her shoulder. As the scene progressed, the camera captured quasi-intimate moments.

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