"Yeah, 10K told me what you guys talked about." She said stuffing her hands in the large single pocket of her sweater, "How are we going to get everything we need before traveling becomes too dangerous?"

"I've got Citizen Z contacting the other outposts trying to make a schedule of who's going where with what. But people are scrambling, more so now that the first snow has started falling." George explained, "Hackerville has responded, they're all set but said they've been keeping an eye on the Doppler radar from some satellite they hacked and said more storms are coming our way so we need to move fast."

Bailey looked at the floor as her thoughts raced through her head, her hands in her pocket rubbed against her stomach discreetly as her mind wandered again. She couldn't help but think back to Pre-Z how even with all the modern technology and supplies and equipment they had there were still sometimes complications with pregnancy that nothing could fix. How was she supposed to have a baby when things as simple as food and clothing were going to be hard to ration for the next several months?

"Bailey? Bailey?" Warren asked seeing she had zoned out on them.

"Hmmm?" she asked picking her head back up.

"Did you hear what we were saying? About Murphy?"

"Oh no sorry, what?"

Warren didn't look upset as she repeated, "Murphy has his blends working on distributing bizkits to all the outposts so at the very least the Talkers will be well fed and we won't have to worry – are you okay?"

"Hmm?" Bailey asked again her mind still wandering. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just worried."

Warren gave her a long look and Bailey knew the woman had been through enough to know when someone was keeping something from her.

"Bailey. . . " Warren said trailing off in that tone that meant she wasn't going to put up with any bull so you better tell her what she wants to know. Bailey had seen Warren use that tone on a lot of people but it had never been turned on her and she knew Warren wouldn't leave her alone until she told her the truth. Bailey took a deep breath and pulled her hands out of her pocket and rested them on her stomach. When she did she saw both Warren and George's eyes widen in shock.

"Uh, uh." George said looking at her, "Are you?"

She nodded, "10K doesn't know yet."

"How long have you known?" Warren asked, the suspicion in her eyes turning to concern.

"Just since yesterday." She muttered, "Red says I'm two months in."

They could clearly tell she was worrying, about so much more than just the weather like the rest of them and George stepped forward and rested her hand on Bailey's arm trying to be comforting.

"Hey, it's okay. We're not going to let anything happen to you or the baby." She said quietly, clearly being able to tell Bailey wasn't at all comfortable talking about it.

"But with the winter coming –" Bailey tried to argue but George stopped her before she could get herself worked up.

"Hey, what did you just tell the others? Huh? Hang in there, we'll get through this." She said still rubbing her arm, "If we could handle Estes and Pandora, bombings and hordes of zombies and hungry Talkers we can handle some snow."

Bailey appreciated her optimism and was reminded why George was such a perfect fit to be leader of the new world. She smiled as best she could given her stress and let George give her a hug while Warren rubbed her back, both of them telling her they were there for her whenever she needed them.


When Bailey's hectic shift was over and she made it back home, now in her new navy blue winter coat that George had insisted she take from the pile, she was greeted by a certain red head who was leaning on her front door waiting for her.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now