"Now romantic relationships are not allowed in Crestmont, especially because of Pierce." Archer continued "Romantic relationships can result in suspension or even permanent removal, but because of the current situation we are in that is not possible. You two can thank Xander for advocating for this because this is all him and I still don't think it is a good idea."

We all waited confused, what was Archer saying? I hoped that Xander actually stood up for us to Archer, taking his role as leader over Archer. Xander's eyes looked from Pierce to mine before letting out a sigh as he clapped his hands together.

"Based on what Aspen had said last night, it is true that she hadn't joined Crestmont willingly and was more forced. Therefore I do feel bad restricting who you can and can't date, I also do see the hypocrisy of Evangeline and Aster being allowed together while being Crestmont members..." Xander trailed off, his words sounding hopeful "I have seen how much the both of you have changed when around each other, bringing out the better. If you two can prove that you can work together through a couple of different tests, we will allow it. If you fail the test, then that is it." 

"What!" Mercury shouted, "That's not fair, you forced Pierce and I apart because of the rule and now you're changing it just because Aspen comes along?" I looked over to Pierce's who had a smirk plastered across his lips as he watched Mercury flip out. 

"You and Pierce have proved over and over again that you are not capable of being mature adults." Xander narrowed her eyes at her, shutting her down immediately "Now Aspen, Pierce, don't get excited yet because you both need to be able to do all of this. Now go get changed into workout gear."

Pierce and I both hesitantly stood up, heading up the steps and out of everybody's sight. Pierce pulled me down the hallway, looking around to make sure no one had been near us. "Test?" I asked him confused "What test? What is even going on-"

"It was Xander, he must have planned this with Archer. They probably designed so much stuff for us to have to complete and Archer doesn't think we will be able to do it. I overheard them talking last night." Pierce explained to me, taking me back for a moment.

Xander convinced Archer to allow Pierce and I together based off of a few test? It didn't make any sense to me. It was some sort of test of compatibility, seeing if Pierce and I were able to work together as a couple, a test Archer didn't think we'd be able to do so he wouldn't have to allow it. I wasn't shocked that Xander advocated for us, I thought about the night on the phone when he had said I was the one to bring the good out of Pierce, glad to finally see him happy. 

"Great..." I muttered under my breath, running a hand through my hair as I stressed over what I was about to get myself into. Pierce said nothing but instead pulled me into his chest, his arms wrapping around my body as he rested his chin on the top of my head. I wrapped my arms around him, my face laying against his chest as it covered me in warmth. 

"It's going to be ok." He insisted, leaving a kiss on my forehead before pulling away from me. I nodded slightly before we parted into different rooms to get changed. I searched through the dressers in order to find a black sports bra with black workout leggings. I slipped into them, throwing my hair up into a high pony and taking a deep breath. 

I waited for Pierce before he grabbed my hand and led me down to the basement of the house. Every step that we got closer I had felt my heart race in my chest even if it had been testing that Pierce had mentioned. Were they going to make us fight? 

The basement had been completely redone into a workout room, the black colored ground was freezing as I looked around at the dark grey walls with workout equipment everywhere. The rest of the gang had been down here, all looking super uneasy about what was to come. Tyson and Theo had rolled out a red exercise mat that covered most of the floor. 

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