The tall ginger beside her gave a quick hug of reassurance before the doors opened slowly revealing the pitch. Each player got on their brooms and flew out in front of the audience, (Y/n) sticking close to Fred as they all lined up as Madam Hooch walked onto the field with a Gryffindor third year , Lee Jordan, commentating the match. The Quaffle was thrown into the air, the match had begun. Quickly scooped up by Angelina Johnson as she sped off to the Slytherin hoops followed closely by two Slytherin chasers.

(Y/n) quickly zoomed up beside Angelina as she saw a bludger homing in on the chaser. She called out to her "Angelina! Heads up!" as she threw herself in front of the girl and whacked the incoming bludger away, earning massive cheers from the gryffindors. Thanks to the heads up, Angelina was not phased and scored 10 points for Gryffindor. (Y/n) flew past Fred, high-fiving him in the process. Not long after, Gryffindor was in possession of the Quaffle again thanks to Oliver's brilliant keeper skills, another 10 points were scored.

The small girl hung back at the defence so that Fred could take over when all of a sudden, she saw the Slytherin captain Marcus Flint snatch his beater's bat and whack it at Oliver, however, it happened so quickly that (Y/n) wasn't able to reach him in time. This resulted in Oliver being knocked off his broom and fell to the ground. Her eyes narrowed at the older boy as he then proceeded to take out Angelina, causing her to fall into the stands. Soon after, she saw harry racing after something when all of a sudden, his broom started jerking about, trying to throw him off.

The girl also noticed a bludger heading for Harry, she sped in front of him whacking it away from Harry. However the second bludger came around towards them, defending her friend, she repeatedly hit them away as Harry was regaining control. Soon enough, he was back on, high-fiving his honey blonde friend before zooming after the snitch. (Y/n) then went back to defending the chasers, minutes later, she spotted Harry on the floor, looking like he was about to throw up. She waited anxiously next to Fred, just then the snitch popped out of Harry's mouth and the stand erupted with cheers as Madam Hooch blew her whistle "Gryffindor wins!"

The young girl started squealing with delight as she hugged her fellow beater tightly before lowering down to the ground and hugging her raven haired friend. She cheered for him as the rest of the team lowered down to the ground to celebrate with them. The small girl could hear her house chanting "GO GO GRYFFINDOR! GO GO GRYFFINDOR" She grinned as she hugged her two ginger friends. They all began to walk off the pitch and into their Gryffindor changing rooms where the whole team sat down, congratulating eachother but ultimately planning for the next match which would be against Ravenclaw next year.

The small girl walked up the stairs to the dorms in the Gryffindor common room. She rested her bat in her trunk as she made her way to the boys dorm where she found Seamus, Dean and Neville sat on their beds. When he noticed she'd walked in, Seamus jumped off his bed and ran up to her, giving her a massive hug. She hugged him back and proceeded to hug both Dean and Neville, both of which congratulated her whole heartedly. Dean sat next to Seamus on his bed while (Y/n) sat next to Neville on his and just talked for the rest of the afternoon up until dinner since it was the weekend.

Weeks went by, December slowly started to roll around. The castle was filled to the brim with beautiful decorations and the ghosts flew by every so often singing old Christmas carols. (Y/n) walked outside in the courtyard with Neville as the snow fell. The duo had grown quite over November and December. Neville felt comfortable around her and trusted her more than anyone. "So what are your plans for Christmas (Y/n)?" He spoke whilst shivering a little from the cold. "Oh, me and Seamus are going home for the holidays to spend Christmas in Ireland, what about you Neville?" she smiled towards her taller friend.

"I'm spending christmas with my Gran" the girl nodded although she was curious why he didn't mention his parents, however, she knew it wasn't her business to pry so she stayed quiet. "You will write to me over Christmas won't you?" the girl asked while jumping in the snow making small footprints. The brunette laughed at his over excited friend and said "of course I will" The duo began to walk inside and enter the Great hall where the large tree Hagrid had dragged stood tall and proud in the corner of the room l. On a small but tall step ladder, they saw professor Flitwick levitating decorations to trim the large tree.

All the trunks set to be placed on the train were stacked against the steps towards the professor's table. She proceeded to walk with Neville towards Hermione who (Y/n) saw pulling her trunk towards all the others. She also spotted Harry and Ron playing a game of Wizard chess. The honey blonde haired girl overheard trio talking about a man called Nicholas Flammel. Hermione had already told (Y/n) about the three headed dog they found on the third floor corridor, the brunette found it incredibly hard to lie to her best friend, and this was no exception.

Soon enough, the trunks were loaded onto the train and (Y/n) held her snowy cat Snowflake in her arms as she sat down in a compartment on the train. Not long after, she was joined by Dean, Neville, Seamus and Hermione. Harry and Ron had stayed behind at Hogwarts to spend their holidays at school, Ron's parents were visiting his brother Charlie in Romania and Harry saw no good reason to spend Christmas with his horrible aunt and uncle who spoilt his cousin rotten.

She stared out the window, Seamus' head on her lap, already fast asleep, she giggled at her twin brother while Hermione, Dean and Neville talked about their plans for Christmas. The small girl firmly reassured all her friends that she would write to them over the holidays and she would make sure that Seamus didn't forget either. She had bought a chocolate frog and some jelly slugs, sharing them with her friends in the compartment. The honey blonde haired girl sighed happily, feeling truly grateful for the wonderful friends she had made so far. Not too long til she returned back to Hogwarts in January.

She's always kind (Neville X Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now