23. The Invisible Bani

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Hola, sweethearts ❤️ I know many of you are furious at me for separating Vani again and again 😂😂 But trust me this time I'm not gonna separate them. Pinky promise, okay? 🙈 Let's get into the story now 😘

Continuation of previous part :
Veer was flying in his cheel roop chasing Bani's car as she was driving recklessly on the road. Before he could reach her, he witnessed Bani's car getting hit by a truck and he screamed out Bani's name loudly in utmost shock. The truck didn't stop there after hitting the car. Veer immediately flew towards the car and transformed into his human form and opened the front door. He couldn't find Bani there and he started searching the whole car but she was not there. He thought maybe Bani jumped out of the car before the truck hit her so he started searching the nearby places but still he couldn't get her. He transformed into his cheel roop and flew high to search for Bani but she was nowhere to be seen. He felt devastated as he couldn't save Bani and started flying more faster in his frustration. Then suddenly something struck him and he landed on the ground and took out his phone to call Bani but it turned out to disappoint him more as the call was unreachable.

Scene changed :
Bani was still at Veer's house but under Shakura's captive. When Bani asked Veer to get her a glass of water, Shakura came there and dragged Bani with him. He used his magic to make Bani invisible and transformed into a woman form and got into her car, that's when Veer saw her getting into the car and thought she's Bani so he started chasing her. Shakura used his power to escape when the truck hit Bani's car and he came back to Veer's house where he captured Bani with his magical chain around her.
Shakura : Sweeethearttttt.
Bani : You bloody scoundrel! What did you do to me? Why the hell I can't move? (She shouted at him)
Shakura : Because you are under my magic, sweeetheart.
Bani : Don't play your stupid games with me! I'm Aadinaagin! (She roared)
Shakura : Shant sweetheart shant. Don't shout too much. What if you are Aadinaagin? But my magic is still working on you. Hahaha!! (He expressed an evil laughter)
Bani : Shut up! Release me right now or else the consequences will be unbearable. (She warned)
Shakura : You are under my captive and you can't be saved by anyone else except me but still you are brave enough to give me empty threats? (He raised his eyebrow)
Bani : Empty threats? Release me once and I will prove you those are not empty threats! (She said in challenging tone)
Shakura : No, sweeeetheartttt. I won't release you from my magic. You will be invisible forever. (He said, going closer to her face)
Bani : You!! Bloody pervert! Stay away from me! (She gave him a death glare)
Shakura : Hahahahaha!! Aadinaagin seems to be afraid of me. (He smirked)
Bani : Mind your words! Remember with whom you are talking now. Release me right now!
Shakura : Nahh, not possible. But maybe I can show some mercy on you since I still have feelings for you. I will release you from my magical chain. (He smirked at her and released her from the magical chain)
Bani : I will kill you right now!!! (She went to grab his neck but she couldn't touch him)
Shakura : Hahahaha!!! This will be your condition forever, my sweeetheart. You can never touch anyone after this. No one can save you from my magic especially your cheel husband.
Bani : Why the hell are you doing this to me? Release me right now! (She cried)
Shakura : No way. Unless if you agree to marry me but I know you won't do that since you are so obsessed on that Veeranshu Singhania. So this will be your lifetime punishment from your beloved Shakuraaa...Hahahahaha!!
Bani : If Veeranshu gets to know this, I'm sure your death will be the most horrible death ever. (She roared at him)
Shakura : Let's see first. But you know what? I thought it would be impossible to let my magic work on you since you are the Aadinaagin but I'm surprised that it actually worked. Seems like I'm more powerful than you so it means I'm the most powerful person on this earth! (He said proudly)
Bani : Don't forget who is my husband! He is the Cheelom ka Rajkumar and your powers won't work with him. Get ready to face him soon! (She challenged him)
Shakura : Sweeeetheart, stop having high hopes on your husband. I can capture him with my powers too but I'm not going to do it. You will stay with him only but he won't be able to feel your presence. As I said, this is your lifetime punishment!

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