6. Where is Bani?

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Holla darlings ❤️ I'm back again. I knew some of you were disappointed with the misunderstandings took place in last part but please wait for the twist soon. Don't worry our beloved Veer will again fall in love with Bani very soon. But there is no chance for him to remember back his previous life as I said it's the consequences of breaking his curse. You can witness a new Vani's love story soon 💞

Previous part ended with Bani locking herself in the guest room as she was totally broken and Veer locked himself in his room as he felt Bani betraying him and Jai.
Next morning, all the Singhanias and Meera were waiting at the dining table for Veer and Bani. Veer came down after some time and he noticed his family members were glaring at him. He just took the seat beside Daksh at the dining table.

Veer : Why are you guys staring at me now?
Daksh : Bhaiya, Bani bhabhi... (Veer cut in between)
Veer : Stop it, Daksh. Don't take her name again.
Balwant : Veer, do you realise what have you done last night?
Veer : Dad, please don't start again itself in the morning. (He huffed)
Balwant : We have to talk about it, Veer. You accused her falsely last night. Don't you... (Veer again cut in between)
Veer : Hahaha... I accused her falsely? You don't know what she has done, dad. Anyway leave it, I'm not going to talk about her.
Tapish : Veer, you need to give us an explanation for your behaviour last night. What has she done? In fact, we know more about it than you do because you forgot many things happened before this.
Veer : No, Tapish Bhai. I'm clear now and in fact, I have learnt which is true and which is fake.
Tapish : Okay, so explain us which is true and which is fake.
Veer : Okay. Bani loved Jai before me and she betrayed him just to marry me (Meera cut in between)
Meera : Veer, it's totally wrong. Actually..(Tapish cut in between)
Tapish : No Meera, let him complete his explanation first. You continue, Veer.
Veer : So yeah she loved Jai and betrayed him. This is the truth. Now the fake thing is Bani is acting as she loves me in front of us beacuse she is behind me for my money or something else. She is not a decent girl. She cheated a guy before me and now she was cheating on me.(Everyone was fuming in rage because they all knew the truth)
Balwant : Veer, you are totally wrong. Jai is not a good-hearted person. In fact, he even tried to kill Bani for her powers. He planned to kill her by joining hands with your...hmmm with your mother.
Veer : Dad, what are you saying? (He asked with shock) My mother? Where is maa? Is she back home? I need to see her. Where is she?
Tapish : Veer..Veer..Just calm down. Let us explain you first.
Veer : No bhai, I want to see our maa first. Where is she?
Balwant : Listen to us first, Veer. (He then explained all the incidents happened since Bani released Chandrakala from their custody until she found out that she was the Maarkaat and was after Bani's powers)

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