16. Bani is missing again? 😲

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Holla, darlings. I'm back with another update today ❤️

The continuation of previous part :
He almost had tears in his eyes listening to the decision she took in order to save his little champ. He couldn't believe himself that the great Aadinaagin who was born to fight against the injustice has sacrificed her powers for the sake of their baby.
Veer : Bani? (He cupped her face)
Bani : Veeranshu, I know what you are going to say but listen to me first. This sacrifice is nothing to me when compared to the safety of our child because after this in my life I will give importance to you and our little champ only.
Veer : But Bani, your Bholenath will not forgive us for this mistake. He made you Aadinaagin because you were the first serpent who got the human form and He gave you this special power because He believed you will never neglect your responsibility. If that's the case, I wouldn't mind sacrificing my powers so that our child will only observe your powers. (Tears flew down his cheeks)
Bani : Veer, it's not possible because our baby is growing inside me so it has already observed your powers so I had the only choice to sacrifice my powers. It's okay, sweetheart. I will get my powers back when I give birth to our little champ so until that I just want to enjoy the journey of becoming a mother as a normal human being. (She said while cupping his face and wiping off his tears)
Veer : Hmm I love you so much, gharwali. I'm really lucky to have you as my life partner. (He kissed her forehead and hugged her)
Bani : Me too, Veeranshu. I love you more my gharwale. (She hugged him back)

In the living area :
After having their lunch, Tapish and Veer were playing chess while Meera, Mithra and Bani were chit-chatting. Tapish and Veer just ignored the girls as they were not interested to join their gossips so they were engaged in playing the chess game while the girls who were done with their gossips now decided to trouble the boys.
Mithra : Sweetie, Meera Di, look at them. They are playing the game seriously. (She said, pointing at the two boys)
Meera : So, come on let's cheer them up.
Bani : Cheer them up? No way, Meera Di. We should disturb them then only it will be fun to watch. (She whispered to the girls)
Mithra : Yes, I support sweetie too. Let's disturb them. Anyway we are already bored here so let's get some entertainment from them. (She chuckled)
Meera : Girls, I guess you both are going to ask for trouble yourselves. I'm not in. Please go ahead and I will enjoy the show from here.
Bani : Okay then. Chalo, Mithra.

Both of them woke up from their place and went near the boys to start their drama. The two guys noticed their approach but they just ignored them and focused on their game. Bani sat beside Tapish while Mithra sat beside Veer. Bani signalled Mithra to start it first and she obeyed.
Mithra : Jiju, what are you doing?
Veer : Huh? Jiju?
Mithra : Haan, jiju. I have decided to call you jiju after this.
Veer : Okay good. (He ignored as he was focusing on his game)
Mithra : Jijuuu, what are you doing? (She started poking him on his arm)
Veer : I'm playing chess, Mithra. (He answered calmly)
Bani : Tapish Bhai, what are you doing?
Before Tapish could answer, Veer interrupted.
Veer : Girls, what's wrong with you both? Can't you see we are playing here?
Bani : I'm not talking to you, Mr Veeranshu Singhania.
Veer rolled his eyes.
Bani : Tapish Bhai, will you tell me what are you doing?
Tapish : I'm playing chess, Bani. Do you want to join us? (He is so decent so he replied patiently)
Bani : Awww so sweet of you, Tapish Bhai. Unlike your brother, so arrogant and rude.
Veer : Hello, madam. I'm rude and arrogant? Look who's talking now. (He replied sarcastically)
Mithra : Jiju, focus on your game. She is trying to provoke you. (She winked at Bani)
Bani : Oh hello, who is trying to provoke whom?
Mithra : Yes, you are the one provoking my lovely jiju now. Let him play. Why are you disturbing him? (She wrapped her arm around Veer's arm)

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