29. Veer's Angel 👼🏻

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Holla, sweethearts ❤️ I'm back with a new update again 💞

Veer came out from the labor ward with his daughter in his arms. He saw Meera and his siblings waiting near the labor ward worriedly. Meera had called all of them to the hospital after Veer went into the labor ward. They saw him with the baby and immediately rushed to him.
Tapish : Wow!!! Veer, congratulations! Your little champ is looking so cute. (He said, caressing the baby's face)
Veer : Thank you, bhai. My little champ has finally arrived. (He expressed in utmost happiness)
Meera : Veer, how's Bani? Did she suffer a lot?
Veer : Yes, Meera. I have never seen anyone in such pain. She suffered a lot while giving birth to her and she is taking rest now.
Meera : I know, Veer. Giving birth is not an easy task. Let her take rest first.
Daksh : Veer bhai!!!! Congratulations!! (He jumped in excitement)
Ponky : Bhai, give the baby to me. I want to carry her. (He tried to snatch the baby but Tapish stopped him)
Tapish : Ponky, you don't know how to carry a baby so don't take that risk.
Meera : Give her to me, Veer.
Veer : Hmm Meera, do you know how to hold a baby? (Meera chuckled at his fear)
Meera : Veer, don't worry I know how to hold a baby. I have experience in that.
Tapish : No, give her to me first. I know how to hold a baby because I experienced it with Ponky and Monil.
Meera : No, give her to me first.
Daksh and Ponky chuckled looking at their argument.
Veer : Guys..guys, relax. I will give her to Meera first.
He passed his daughter to Meera and she held the baby carefully in her arms. She had tears looking at the baby's innocent smile. Tapish, Daksh and Ponky surrounded her and started touching the baby excitedly.
Daksh : Bhabhi, can I hold her?
Before Meera could answer, Veer interrupted.
Veer : No Daksh, not now. She is too small.
Daksh : Bhai, please? (He made a puppy face)
Meera : It's okay, Veer. I will make him hold her with my support.
She passed the baby to Daksh but still she held the baby carefully when he carried just to make him feel her in his arms.
Ponky : Bhabhi, I also want to do it. Give her to me. (He said excitedly to which Veer and Tapish smiled)
Meera : Okay. (She did the same way with Ponky)
Both Daksh and Ponky were extremely happy to have a small baby in their arms.
Tapish : Okay, enough guys. Give her to me now. I'm the one who asked first. (He took the baby from Meera's hands but still Meera held the baby protectively)
Tapish : Meera, I know how to hold a baby. Leave her.
Meera : No, Tapish. She is too small now and her bones will be too soft so it's better to hold her carefully.
Veer : Guys, give my little champ to me. She is mine. (He said possessively)
Tapish : I know she is yours but I will be her bade papa so I have all the rights to carry her.
Veer rolled his eyes and kept caressing the baby who was in Tapish's arms. His little champ was looking at all of them with a smile then soon she fell asleep and Veer took her in his arms.
Meera : Veer, I want to go in and see Bani.
Veer : I also want to see her so let's go. And Tapish bhai, you stay here with them.
They nodded, Veer and Meera went inside the labor ward.

Bani was still sleeping there when they went in to see her. There was a nurse beside Bani preparing stuffs to shift her to the normal ward.
Veer : Nurse, is she alright?
Nurse : Yes, sir. She needs some time to regain her consciousness as anaesthesia had started to work late on her.
Meera : How long does she take to regain her consciousness?
Nurse : Most probably within two hours. And sir, we are going to shift her to the normal ward now so after that please place the baby beside her mother because she needs to feel the warmth of her mother.
Veer : Yeah, I will. (Then they shifted Bani to the normal ward and Veer placed the baby beside her)

 (Then they shifted Bani to the normal ward and Veer placed the baby beside her)

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Vani : Life After Realisation ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang