30. Veer's memory is back

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Hey sweethearts, I'm back with a new update. Thank you for the support in the previous part ❤️ Tbh, I'm getting bored with my own story so I'm thinking about introducing new characters soon to add some spice in this story 😜🙈

Continuation of previous part :
Someone started knocking the door and Veer went to open it.
Someone : Surprise!!!! I'm back!
Veer's eyes popped out in surprise.
Veer : You???
Bani : Who is that, Veer? (She asked from inside)
The person was Mithra.
Mithra : Jiju!!!! (She literally jumped on him for a hug)
Veer : Hey Mithra!! Long time no see. (He reciprocated the hug and they broke it)
Bani's mind voice : Mithra? Idiot! Now only she remembered me, huh? I'm not going to talk to her.
Mithra peeped in to see Bani sitting on the bed and she quickly ran towards her.
Mithra : Sweetie!!!! I'm back!!!! (She screamed in excitement)
The baby woke up with a jerk and started crying when she heard the scream.

Bani glared at Mithra but she continued screaming

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Bani glared at Mithra but she continued screaming.
Mithra : Oh God, little champ!!!! Awww so cute!! (She screamed, climbing on the bed and started caressing the baby)
Bani : Mithra, don't frighten her. Can't you see she is crying? (She asked, picking up her daughter)
Mithra : Awww I'm so sorry baby. (She made a puppy face which made Bani to smile but she controlled it by glaring at her)
Veer : Mithra, we are really upset with you. We asked you to come for Tara's wedding 4 months ago but you are coming today.
Mithra : I'm sorry, Jiju. I had few commitments there that's why I wasn't able to come that time but I have shifted from there to here now. I will be here with you all after this I promise.
Bani : Promise? Do you know what's the meaning of promise? (She asked sarcastically)
Mithra : I'm sorry, sweetie. Please forgive me this time. I will never repeat this again. (She made a puppy face)
Bani : Shut up! I'm not going to talk to you anymore.
Veer : Sweetheart, look at her puppy face. Forgive her once na.
Bani : Shut up, Veer. I'm not going to melt for her puppy face this time. I have been waiting for her since 4 months but she is apologising so casually as it didn't matter to her at all.
Veer chuckled, sensing Bani's anger.
Mithra : Sweetie, it's not like that. It does matter to me a lot. I have been missing you badly since we had stayed together in the same house and worked in the office for few months. I really had some issues there that's why I couldn't leave from there on time. But I have been trying to contact you since then and you were the one who didn't even respond any of my calls and texts.
Bani : So now you are putting the blame on me? (She rolled her eyes)
Mithra : No, sweetie. I'm not blaming you. I just tried many times to explain you my situation but you didn't talk to me. Only jiju was staying in touch with me since then. (She spilled the beans)
Bani passed a death glare towards Veer and he gulped in fear.
Veer : Mithra? Don't you wish to see me alive?
Mithra : Opps, sorry jiju I accidentally disclosed our secret. (She snickered)
Bani : So Mr Veeranshu, you have been talking to her behind my back, huh? (She raised her eyebrow)
Veer's mind voice : Oh My God! This Mithra has trapped me nicely in front of Bani. It's better to escape from here before she explodes.
Veer : Angel, these two ladies are ruining your peaceful sleep so come let's go somewhere else and let them carry on with their fight first. (He carried his daughter to bring her out)
Bani : Veer!! I guess I asked you something. (She tried to stop him but he quickly walked out of the room with his daughter)
Bani got up from there to walk away but Mithra held her hand and hugged her.
Mithra : I'm sorry, sweetie. I will never disobey you after this. I will stay here with you always. Please give me a second chance. I'm really sorry for disappointing you.
Bani's anger completely vanished off and she reciprocated the hug.
Bani : Okay, I'm giving you a second chance now. You have to stay here with us until you get married. I won't leave you until that.
Mithra chuckled and they broke their hug.
Mithra : Okay sure, sweetie.
Bani : Alright. How's Arjun? Are you still fighting with him? You should have brought him with you here.
Mithra : Ehhh, he came here with me. Where is he? (She turned behind to look at the door)
Bani : Really? Chalo, let's go and meet him.

Vani : Life After Realisation ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat