1. Bani in Pain

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Bani was in shock after she got to know that Veer was going to marry that Chandni on Moon. All the moments she spent with Veer last night were reappearing in front of her. All she could remember was Veer's confession "Tum meri ho, sirf meri" before they consummated their marriage. Even though she knew it well that Veer was hypnotized but still she couldn't digest the fact that he had decided to marry someone else. Deep inside her heart, she wanted him to leave everything and go back to her but she knew that it was impossible as her powers will be dominated by Chandni at the Moon.

Bani was in her room thinking and crying about all the incidents took place since that morning when Veer asked her to get lost. Meera entered Vani's room along with Tapish.

Meera : Bani, are you ok? (She asked, going near Bani as Bani was sitting on the corner of the floor beside the bed)

Bani kept silent and continued crying.

Tapish : Meera, please try to console her. She has been crying since she returned home and she has not eat anything so please console her and make her eat something. (Whispered to Meera)

Meera : You don't know about her, Tapish. She is really adamant and at this moment she is very broken so it's not an easy task to console her. Please come with me and talk to her.

Tapish : Ok, Meera. (Both of them went near Bani and sat on their knees in front of her)

Meera : Bani, please stop crying. Look at me first. Please open up your feelings to us as you will feel better then. I know you are really broken with Veer's behaviour but please believe us we will make sure to bring him back to you before he gets married to that chudail Chandni. (She said, caressing Bani's hair)

Tapish : Haan Bani what Meera said is correct. We all are here for you. We will bring Veer back to you. Please be strong, we can't see you like this. You are Aadi Naagin, Bani. We know how strong you are and we can't bear to see this sad Bani.

Bani stopped crying for a moment and lifted her head to see them

Bani : Meera Di and Tapish Bhai, do you really think it's possible to bring Veeranshu back to earth? Daddy Ji said it's not possible to bring him back from Moon as it will put his life in danger. (She cried)

Meera : Bani, I can't believe you are saying this to us. Come on, you are Aadi Naagin. Did you forget about your identity and your powers? Please Bani don't be like this we can't see you like a normal broken girl who has no faith in her love. I know you love him a lot and your love can definitely bring him back here. Please realise who you are and make sure to take the right step to bring him back before it's too late. (Spoke little rudely to make Bani realise her powers)

Tapish was shocked listening to Meera's words.

Tapish : Meera, why are you talking like this to her? She is already broken and why are you hurting her more?

Meera : Tapish, please don't support her to continue being broken like an ordinary girl. She is not an ordinary girl but a strong determined person who will do anything to fight against the evil powers. She has forgot her identity right now and crying as if she has tried all the ways to bring him back but failed. In fact, she has not done anything to bring him back rather than crying here like a quitter.

Bani stopped crying after listening to her sister's confrontation and she stood up realising what she has been doing there.

Bani : Meera Di, I'm going to the Naag Mandir now. (Saying this, she immediately transformed into her serpent form and left from there before they could speak)

At Naag Mandir:

Bani changed into her human form in front of the mandir and climbed the stairs to enter inside. She stood in front of Bholenath on her knees and started praying with tears.

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