Chapter 2: Astronomy Class

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Well, except Charlotte.. She didn't even budge and was staring at the stage as if lost in her own unpleasant thoughts.

I was just deciding that whether she was thinking about that Thomas guy or about her vision when she spoke "Come Amy.. We will miss our Astronomy class." I was quite surprised, the girl who was always cheerful no matter what happens was suddenly so tensed and quiet! Something's fishy.

"Char, tell me.. What's going on in your mind? Who is that Thomas guy and what are you thinking about your vision?" I asked her. With the same ominous expression on her face she replied, "Amy, right now I feel like attending the class and reserving our seats for the trip." I was about to ask her about the trip but then the warning bell rang and we ran for our Astronomy class. After five minutes of the starting of every class, a warning bell rings which warns whoever is not in the class to go back or else the consequences won't be good.

We ran for it and at that speed we could have won France a gold medal in Olympics. We reached the class on time to find my favourite teacher, Ms. Shelley giving some instructions. "Uh.. Madame... I came a bit late so can you please repeat what you said? S'il vous plaît..." Ms. Shelley said "D'accord, Amy but you ought not be late in my class now onwards, it is not acceptable. So guys, please get seated and then we shall proceed." Said Ms. Shelley and we all sat.

I am not usually a backbencher but today I wanted to sit at the back and so did I because madame was revising what we had done a week ago. "All those who have done their assignments can enjoy their time. And Grace please pay attention in this class because we are revising our syllabus, and you can um, sit beside Roselle. She will help you out with your work. And all those who have done their revision and everything they can go and sit on the seats at the back. Yes I know Amy, you can go there with Charlotte." Ms. Shelley said. I smiled and took Charlotte's hand and pulled her to the last seat.

"So?" I asked her. "So... Madame is looking beautiful today. Her light brown hair tied in a tight bun with black and square spectacles on her face. And the black dress, wow! That suits her." Charlotte replied. I rolled my eyes. "Char.. Back to the topic!" I said and she replied dreamily "Topic? Oh yeah. Today in the corridor, two boys were looking at you. They were saying that-" I interjected her "Don't you dare change the topic! I know you are doing this on purpose! Tell me what are you thinking about-" She interrupted "Grace? Oh, he is a nice guy. Quite good looking too. But just see how that Roselle is looking at him." But she stopped in middle of her sentence when I glared at her. "Oh ok.. Amy, I-I am having a feeling that I need to be with my parents! They need me... But I don't know where are they. I am MISSING them." I knew why she emphasised on the word missing.

Actually, her parents are quite rich and are the trustees of this college. They have their only child, who is good in studies but is an introvert. They wanted her to be open and brilliant, the way all other rich kids act. But Charlotte was nothing like that. She is too much shy and gets bullied easily. Recently her parents went on a trip to America to complete some important work there as well. They wanted her to accompany them but Charlotte didn't like travelling much so she refused. So because of all this, it was not normal for Charlotte to actually miss them. "Well... I don't know much about the missing part because you know Char... I don't have parents." She looked at me with tears glistening from her eyes. "uhh.. Char, you didn't like travelling no? then why are you going to this trip?" I quickly changed the topic. "I just know that its important for me to go on this trip to America. I just have to, I am having this weird gut feeling. And the thing about foreign country... I still have you with me. You will come with me." She said. "Me! But.. umm.. you know, I don't have enough money. So I can't afford going there." I replied with a disconsolate expression on my face. "Don't worry about that. I will talk to that pathetic principal, Mrs. Norkiss. I am the daughter of one of the trustees so it gives a good impression. Actually I am leaving right now as she is usually free at this time." She replied and raised her hand.

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