Chapter 4: Ready For Trip!

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I was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. The fight and everything wasn't allowing me to sleep and I had no intentions to sleep either. You see, Charlotte isn't the only one who gets nightmares. I do too, horrible ones but they seem so fantasy-type that I don't even think of them ever coming true.

But anyways, not being able to sleep I decided to step out and go to the balcony. Yeah, it was forbidden to go out at night but who cares?

While walking towards the balcony I overheard someone speak to their mom
"Mom why are you doing this to me? Please stop it! Why are you leaving me? Where will I go after the semester, mom? I don't want you to live with him-" said someone while trying to gulp in the sobs.
This right here triggered something buried deep inside my heart. A memory, a past, a life I couldn't get over. Something that haunts me to this day, something that makes me want to die. And, mind you, not the joke kind of way of die.

I began breathing heavily, as the breaths went in and out my heart began beating faster and my head got dizzy. No man, I don't want an anxiety attack here.
I knew I'd be on the floor by the time I reached the balcony so I decided to go back to the dorm as quickly as possible.
Well as fast as you can while you're having an attack and you can't see straight.

I know this sounds crazy, an attack just because I heard someone going through shit? But that is how trauma works. Even the smallest of things can trigger you, and trust me the aftermath isn't good.
I kept bumping into the wall on my way back and accidently I knocked over a vase. This scared the shit out of me but thankfully it wasn't broken. With my heartbeat even faster as the fear of getting caught took over me, I began walking even faster in the dark hallway.

Suddenly I saw the silhouette of a figure standing in front of me. I got even more scared. What if I was having a nightmare and me walking here in the hallway was a dream? No I don't like nightmares. I don't want to go back to those memories.

"Amy?" A soothing voice spoke up. Okay, not a nightmare.
"Grace? What are you doing here? You're not allowed in the girls' dorm!" I whispered.
"I was just passing by and I heard something fell and then I saw you bumping in that wall. Are you okay?" He asked.
"Do I look okay to you?" I said while trying to catch my breath.
"Wait, an anxiety attack?" He asked.
I nodded as I was barely able to stand now.
"Shit let me take you back to your room." He said, and grabbed me by my waist.
"Stop it, I'll go by myself. Leave me here." I said, absolutely in no way I'm going to take help from him so I tried to get away.

But Grace was too quick for me and before I could get away from his grip, he caught me tightly by my arm and pulled me closer to him and "Ah! Your grip is too tight! Let go of me! Its hurting!" I cried but he wasn't going to get into this one he pulled me closer and said "Don't you dare go anywhere alone Amy, let me take you."

I frowned and pulled my arm free, and did as Grace told me to. I let him take me to the room.
He turned on the lights and all the girls woke up. There were several whispers as I sat down on the nearest bed. Some girls sat next to me, trying to calm me down while some brought water and blanket for me.
Sheesh, I don't like pity or attention like this.

Anyways, soon I felt my heartbeat go down as those memories, those screams, those cries, those cuts, everything faded from my mind.
"How are you feeling now?" Charlotte asked.
"I'm okay now, thanks. You all should go back to sleep." I said.
"Sleep? Dude it's 5 already. No use of sleeping for one hour more. Let's do something else." Alyssa said.
Oh shit, I didn't realise how long it has been. I wasn't able to sleep all night. Yay.

We said goodbye to Grace while all the girls sat down on their bunks.
"So should we chat a little?" I asked.
"Yeah, totally. By the way Amy, you were a banger at the fight!" Alyssa said.
"Nah don't remind me about that. What was that about the trip though? Did anyone ask anything about it to the teachers?" I asked.

The Clandestine Six- The Gloom HordeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora