Chapter 18- Revisiting Memories

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Hi ya'll! So, you know me I suppose. Ofcourse, Amy must have told you hundreds of stupid things about it me (That witch!). But honestly, you don't have to believe one thing she says to you okay? Just ignore that ignorant girl.

However, shall we start with what I did and why I did it?

You must already know that I killed James (Not that I am proud of it) but now lets find out how I found out what I did it....

I was fast asleep, or shall I say knocked out? Whatever, I woke up as a voice said in my head "Time to wake up, Roselle."

No, this didn't sound at all familiar to me... Who the hell was this person trying to steal my beauty sleep? And then it dawned upon me that I never slept. I was knocked out. I opened my eyes all of a sudden and a huge amount of light did not enter my eyes. Instead, I found myself lying on a cold floor in utter darkness with just one source of light, the window high above me.

I looked around the room, wait no, it was a cellar. I looked around the cellar and my eyes fell on a figure sitting at the far end of the room. "So you're awake." That figure was the source of that sentence full of disgust. And guess what? I certainly knew that voice. It was Grace's (A.K.A my crush's. Shhh... It's a secret).

"Grace? Is that you?" I asked sweetly.

"Oh yes its certainly me." He said sourly.

I stood up even though my head was spinning and I walked up to him. And when I approached him, I gasped. He was covered in blood, his face was pale and he had a bandage bound around his stomach which was already soaked in blood.

"Y-you're hurt. W-what happened to you?" I asked.

"Oh look who's asking me this. You are the reason this happened to me but thankfully I have healing powers, so I could heal myself or I would have been dead a long time ago." He said, his voice full of hatred.

"What are you saying! You know I would never hurt you or anyone." I said, confused.

"Hurt? Oh no. That's too small for you. You don't hurt. You directly kill." He spoke.

"I am not getting it. What in the world you mean by that?" I asked.

"What I mean? Oh please Roselle. Stop this act of yours. I know who you are now." He said.

"Seriously Grace. You need to make things clear." I said.

"Oh wow. Ms. Murderer is asking me to make things clear. After killing James in front of our eyes, you think you will act like this and we will forgive you? Oh certainly not." He said.

"Wait. What did you say? I killed James? You've lost it." I said.

"I have lost it? Sorry madame but you have lost it. And by the way, why are you even here? To kill me?" He asked.

"Why would I even kill anyone!" I protested.

"For Keres ofcourse. She promised things to you." He said.

"Keres? I will work for Keres? I will rather die! I am really not getting it-" I was talking when something shiny caught my eye.

I stood up and walked to it. "My sword... My Gem. What is happening? I don't even know where am I..." I said to myself.

"You are in Keres's Palace." Said the same strange voice.

"W-who are you? Who is talking with me right now?" I asked hesitantly.

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