Chapter 5: The Mist

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A few moments passed... Or days? I didn't know.

What I knew at that time was I was wandering through my worst nightmare. Well, It wasn't exactly a nightmare but it reminded me of my darkest secret.... I was walking through a garden, a beautiful one indeed. Colourful flowers- Rose, Iris, Lavender, Marigold, Lily and every kind of beautiful flower present in the world. I roamed around as if I knew the place very well, touching the flowers wearing a flowing, silk, white Greek gown. My strawberry blonde hair braided up to my back, enclosed by golden ornaments.

There were several paths spiralling all around the garden but I walked on the one that seemed the longest one. I walked and walked and walked not worrying about anything, lost in my dream world. After what seemed like a perpetuity, I stepped inside a picturesque chamber. It was surrounded by tall and white column; its interior was also as white as snow embedded with gold coiling around the room in various patterns. Two pairs of black coloured chairs resting on the four directions- North, East, West, South.

On the chair in the North, sat two people, a man in blue shirt and black jeans, strawberry blonde hair and a spectacle on his nose plus a woman in pink robes, black hair tied up in a neat bun her Grey eyes eyeing the man with love and affection.

"Dear.. I love you so much you know that. But now as you know about me and well... Where I belong to and you even dared to visit that place risking your life, knowing that you won't be spared for that mistake. To visit our child and me you faced the wrath of the king. You are braver than any man I ever met; I love you-" she was interrupted by a booming voice "Time of the punishment! He has to die! Do it now yourself or else he along with that girl will face my wrath!!" the younger me flinched and ran to the man to hug him. But as soon as I hugged him he whispered "I will miss you."

And looked at the woman, she smiled faintly and took the hand of that man. As soon as she touched him, he began to vaporise. His legs first turned into a blue coloured pure form of vapour and then followed by his rest of the body. The younger me cried and hugged the woman and kept on sobbing..

The scene changed, I felt as if it was raining, drops of water pouring over me and a white dazzling light filling my head, when I realised that it was no dream instead someone was sprinkling water on my face.

I opened my eyes to see Charlotte staring at me. Where were we? It was as if my mind went blank.

"A-are we dead Charlotte? Are we in heavens?" I managed to ask but I regretted opening my mouth, as soon as I spoke, my head hurt badly. That's the first question that comes to my mind when I can't remember anything.

The spirit of Charlotte beside me said "No girl we aren't dead. We landed safely in New Jersey, you passed out during turbulence. Grace, can you help her up? She's not used to flights."

I know flying for the first time can be bad. But how stupid do I have to be to pass out during turbulence?

"Cool, I can carry this 2 kg girl easily, piece of cake." He joked, I tried to protest but before I could say anything, I was in his arms. It felt so awkward. I have never relied on a boy THIS much.

But there was I letting myself to get carried by Grace is his arms like a handbag or a cat or whatever. I looked at Charlotte and gave her "I will see you later" type of look. She smirked and led the way, as soon as we got off the plane I was surrounded by my classmates and teachers. Grace put me down on the ground, panting.
"Carrying a 2 kg girl is sure an exhausting thing, isn't it?" I teased him.

Ms. Shelley and Ms. Chelsia took me to a nearby resting place and gave me some tablets. After drinking some water, I was ready to go.

We took our bags from the conveyer belt but Charlotte being Charlotte, she couldn't carry the large number of bags she brought with her last minute.
Grace was helping me out and everyone was immersed in themselves, that's when Thomas walked up to her.

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