Chapter 11- I Hate Water and Traps

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How many times have I died or passed out since last few days? I don't know. But it was my first time dying. Yup, I actually died. I could feel it, I felt my eyes close, I felt what a person feels when he dies that is, satisfied with life. I felt my soul leave my body as soon as I drew my last breath. But can anyone even let me die easily? No. Of course not.

As I felt my soul leave my body and satisfaction filling me, to ruin this beautiful feeling, something touched my hand then feet then head and an immense pain burst through my body. Each and every organ of mine began aching so much that tears streamed down my cheek. Wait a second, pain and tears? I have never died, have you? If you have then is it normal for dead people to feel pain? I don't think so.....

There was another burst of pain in my heart and my eyes flew open, sudden large amount of light pouring into my eyes forced them shut again. The pain had subsided and I sat up but as soon as I did someone hugged me, and guess who? Grace. How dare he... I pushed him back and shouted "Geroff me!" And he chuckled and backed off. I looked around, saw all the five sitting around me, at the exact place where I had died. Yes, I am sure I had died, but what happened next? I didn't know.

"Wha-" I started but Charlotte shushed me up and said "Shh Amy. Lie down right now. Grace how much time?" Grace shook his head still chuckling "Just a minute but I prefer you talk to her. It'll give her strength." I nodded my head "Yeah so what happened? I- I thought that I died. But, what-. Just explain everything from the start. Beginning from the explosion." Charlotte nodded her head and was about to speak but she was interrupted by Roselle.

"That explosion of walls was caused by Stalwarts. They are some kind of monsters who live in caves and burst walls on the intruders in their caves. They were nasty rocky creatures, like Rock Giants? With red eyes and no language. They just used to do Grrrs. Ugh, how I hated that. Whatever, they exploded the walls and fortunately, you were the one who was near the walls and the stupid rocks covered you. All of us hid under the digital shield type wall that Charlotte created out of her weird gloves and we were saved. Those creatures couldn't die until and unless they were buried under their own rocks."

Thomas then continued "Yeah, we tried to do that but we always ended up sprawled on the ground. Mr. Saver almost got trampled on but I saved him. Heh. However, we tried of everything but nothing worked out. And suddenly, two more Stalwarts popped up and it became even more impossible to defeat them. And that was when you did your thing."

I was confused about the last part "Wait, my thing?" I asked and James replied. "Yes, your thing. We thought you were d-" he hesitated to say that word so I completed his sentence "Dead, yes. I thought the same. Next?" He shrugged and continued "Next.. there was a huge bang and we saw you standing in the middle of the Cave with huge rocks swarming around you. Your eyes... Your eyes were all black, like complete black with some black-coloured substance leaking through them. It was... honestly, quite scary. And then you all of a sudden pointed your hands towards the Stalwarts and all the rocks went hitting them and they were finally buried under their own rocks."

After that Charlotte said "Yep. And suddenly your knees buckled or something and you fell down. Your eyes still black and leaking that weird thing. You were trembling badly. We ran towards you and as soon as Grace touched you, you stopped trembling and your eyes became normal. But the impact was too much for you and then you... died." I sighed, "What a clear response dear. I know I died but how did I-?" I asked.

Grace explained "I used Charmed Cashmere cloth on you. Remember I took Nursing Club? It helped me a lot. There they taught us how to use Charmed Cashmere cloth, when a person dies, his soul starts to leave his body but it is a fresh soul and still wants to go back to the living world. Soul doesn't exit on the spot, as the person dies the soul leaves each body part of the person slowly still struggling somehow to live but it can't. It tries hard to go back but Hades of course can't let souls leave the Dead on their own. But if the soul has that wish and will then it can-" I interrupted him "Thanks son of Hades but the point? And speak in English please. Not Hades-lish." I said.

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