Chapter 23- Into the unknown!

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You are wrong. Whatever you guessed was wrong.

What really happened was I closed my eyes in fear and we crashed in the lake with a splash. I actually didn't know what happened next. I just knew that I was lying on Kel's back, my face against it's cool and wet neck.

"Amy? Wake up! Look it's so fun." Kiki's voice rang in my mind.

"Fun!? You think it's fun? Ew." Teichi shrieked in my mind.

These two would never let me have good night sleep.

"What is fun and what is not?" I asked them in my mind, my eyes closed.

"Open your eyes and see for yourself! Yikes. This thing is so scary!" Teichi screamed.

I rolled my closed eyes and then opened them to see what was so disgusting to Teichi and what was so interesting to Kiki.

"Wow!" I exclaimed.

We were underwater, Kel was galloping in water just the way a normal horse gallops on land. His black fins changed their colour as they flapped from red to pink to blue to yellow and back to black and so on. His horse-fish type eyes were sparkling. He looked happier in water than on land.

"You're aquatic. You love water." I smiled and said to Kel who neighed in glee.

I was breathing underwater without Charlotte's gum this time.

I looked to my right and saw the other Kelpies galloping in the water majestically with my friends on their back. The water was green in colour and cute little fishes were swimming past us. All of them were still sleeping. Maybe their Gem Spirits weren't shrieking in their minds...

"We don't shout in your minds!" Kiki and Teichi shouted in unison almost knocking me off Kel.

I rolled my eyes "First off, what you just did was shouting. Second, there is something called 'privacy'. You cannot invade someone's mind like that!"

"However, let me wake them up. Char! Adrien! Aiden! Tommeh! Wake up boys and girl!" I tried waking them up and ofcourse, they woke up.

"W-where are we?" Thomas asked.

"We are in Kelpie's Tarn. How magnificent!" Aiden exclaimed.

"I know right. Kelpie's Tarn is the unlimited stretch of water where Kelpies live in the Realm. They can go to any waterbody through this lake. Probably they are trying to take us to the Creek..." Adrien's smile faded.

"Oh no no no. Creek? It's full of dark creatures. Jake? When are we going to reach the Creek?" Aiden asked to the Kelpie he was riding. In response, the Kelpie neighed.

"It is going to take a few minutes. Till the time we reach the Creek, get ready to enjoy the nice little battle we are going to fight and also take in the scenery. It's beautiful." Aiden spoke.

"Wait. You can talk to Kelpies?" Charlotte asked.

"Oh yes. He can talk to every creature in the Realm." Adrien said.

"Yeah and bro? Your Kelpie is saying that you should stop pulling his mane hair. He won't let you fall down or he will make you fall down if you don't let go off his poor mane." Aiden chuckled.

Adrien's cheeks turned red and he let go off his Kelpie's mane suddenly.

"Guys! Look at this!" Thomas exclaimed.

On a happy note, it wasn't any dangerous creature hurtling towards us, instead it was an underwater garden type of thing. Corals spiralled below us making beautiful patterns, weeds hydras and other aquatic plants emerging out of the waterbed. Beautiful Kelpies galloping below us, playing with each other and a school of fish making different shapes.

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