Chapter 8- A Day Of Training

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Have you ever had fun during a training session? Well, I have never wanted to be an exception which I already am, but in this case I really am one. I literally loved the training sessions. From where should I start? Yes of course! My first and my favourite class, Archery. It was in front of a huge, white building which Adrien said was the first quarter of Coral Stream Academy where was the Potions class, Dormitory 1 and Constellation Tower. It was a huge arena where in one portion, targets were kept and on the other portion were dummies for higher level practice. We all tried our shots and it turned out that I was the only one who could do Archery without killing anyone. In fact, not to boast around but I instantly was promoted to the 'dummy level' as I call it because in my first try I hit the bull's eye. As I practiced on the dummies, the others were still stuck on the targets with none of them able to hit anywhere near the target. By the end of the session, Adrien had taught me a good number of techniques.

Next up was our Sword-fighting session, well it didn't turn out to be as good for me as the previous one. I was like an average student here but it was Roselle who excelled with her special sword, Rashine which could change its size and its blade according to the need and also could change itself into anything the owner wished. She moved her blades like a perfectionist and slashed the statues in pieces. While me, Charlotte, Grace, James and Tommeh struggled to use our swords but just made it to 'Average', then Roselle was promoted to battle field and she battled with Adrien where she won in about five times out of six.

Then we moved on to the next one which was spear fighting where quite unexpectedly, Tommeh (whom I thought had no skills) excelled like a student who topped the class every year. We took our respected spears and started fighting with each. Adrien was fighting with the top student i.e, Thomas while I had to pair with Roselle on his demand which I actually was grateful of. Because hitting Charlotte would be difficult for me but Roselle? Nah! Not at all. We hit each other like two enemies fighting and to be honest she was the one winning here because her sword-fighting skills were used a bit here too. And as expected, she was teasing me because of it. Stupid girl. And I fired back with my archery class success.

However, lets move on to the next which was Shooting. And here Grace was the one getting promotion considering his choice of gun which was Ruger 10/22 which could turn into a machine gun on the click of a button and also it's ammos were automatically refillable. However, I wasn't too bad at this, in fact, I would say I was quite good because my Archery skills were being used a bit here. While Grace was on the advanced level, I was doing well in the basics. But others? Oh no. Those people were not made for shooting at all. At the end of a session, Adrien even suggested me to change my weapon to a rifle and so I did. My gun changed to regular AK-57 rifle with no such special powers.

Once we finished all these classes, Adrien said "Guys! Your training is complete. And to conclude, we figured it out that Amy is the best Archer, Roselle the best swordswoman, Grace the best sniper and Thomas the best Spear fighter. But no worries, Charlotte has her own unique talent with technology. And that will be enhanced in the next bonus class. Which are Elite Pursuits Clubs. There are many of them, like Techno-world which is for tech-savvies like Charlotte, then Witchcraft where they teach you magic with wands, Potions where they teach you to make potions, then Werewolves club where they teach you survival methods, Nursing Club where they teach you various magical healing methods, Flora club where they teach you how to control nature and all. So, you can join any one of these clubs. Its your choice. These special abilities might help you tomorrow a lot."

We thought for a bit of time and after about five minutes, we decided our clubs. I was going to do Witchcraft, Grace wanted to do the Nursing club, Potions club went into the hands of Roselle, Werewolves club was taken by Thomas, Flora was chosen by James and ofcourse, Techno-world was all Charlotte's. After deciding it, Adrien led us to our respective rooms. First off was Potions in Quarter 1, which was full of cauldrons and chemicals and weird stuff like lizard's eyes etc. Then were the Flora and Werewolves clubs which were in Quarter 2, both of them had special doorways which led them to some part of the Enthralled Woods. And finally we reached our stop which was Nursing Room, Techno-world and Witchcraft all in Quarter 3. Nursing room of course was decorated and built up as an actual hospital while the Techno-world was all about advanced technology some of which wasn't even there in Corporeal world.

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