Chapter 17- Kiki and Crush

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Why do I lose people whom I love? Why is life like this? Weeding out people whom you need the most? All those who were close to me either died or were taken away from me.... My dad, my mom, James, Grace and not to mention my numerous other friends who were never allowed to be near me or were forcefully taken away from me...

I was crying over my horrible life with my eyes close shut.

The drop of blood still on my face...

And that was when there was a thump and when someone began shaking me wildly. I opened my eyes and found Adrien standing in front of me with his hands around my waist, he was wearing a silver armour and he had a huge cut on his hand and a deep scratch on his cheek.

I pushed his hands away from my waist and I said "What are you doing!" I shrieked, still grieving what I saw few moments ago.

"Calm down Amy! I just brought you back to Quarter 4." Adrien said.

"Oh, uhm.. T-thanks." I said softly.

"Where is Grace?" Charlotte asked.

I broke down and began sobbing so hard that it was difficult for me to even breathe. Probably she got the cue "Oh no... no.... But..." She muttered.

"Sit down Amy. You aren't well right now." Adrien spoke up.

And with his help I sat down on the couch beside me.

"W-what happened to him?" Thomas asked softly.

"He... Keres.." I said between my sobs.

I recalled that sudden appearance of me falling down and Grace being stabbed, that sword... the blood... When I finished, all of them looked pale and on the verge of tears.

"Grace..." Charlotte whispered and we all began to sob.

Suddenly the door opened and someone entered. I looked and saw that it was Mr. Almond, Lisa and Ira. I instantly wiped my tears and held back my sob. I don't like showing others my sadness or feeling, I like to keep them to myself even if they half-suffocate me to death. "W-What happened to James!? Where are Roselle and Grace?" Mr. Almond asked as he saw James's dead body, covered in blood resting beside me.

Lisa probably read my mind as she said "They... couldn't make it. Better if they explain it themselves."

Thomas and Charlotte looked at me with sullen eyes and I shook my head "Nah! I can't do it." I declared.

They nodded softly and Charlotte said "I will tell then. Uh, after passing all those levels we finally got our Gems and currently, they are in the form of our weapons. However, we were about to get out but all of a sudden Quartz Portal appeared and transported us to.... Some throne room where Keres was there and also beside him, stood a man... what did she call him? Luke? Or..." Mr. Almond completed he sentence "Duke."

"How do you know sir?" said a voice behind us. I looked back and saw X standing there.

"Where were you! I didn't see you when Roselle...." I trailed off.

"I had to go somewhere. Important business. But how did you know that it was Duke?" X asked.

"I have been keeping track of the other world too. Not only the Realm... so I know what's happening there. Conditions aren't great there either. And Axel? You will have to go there soon... And also, you shouldn't be here right now. Go to the battlefield in the east, it would need you." Mr. Almond said. X nodded and vanished into thin air.

"Hold on. Will someone tell me what is this other world? There have been many mentions about it." Thomas asked.

Lisa replied this time "There is another world apart from the Realm and the Corporeal world. It is also magical but people here in the Realm don't know about it yet because... We don't along well. Currently, only me, Mr. Almond, Ira and X know about it. We have kept it as a secret from all but you being the Cladestine Six, should know."

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