Chapter 25- The Huge Anaconda

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I honestly would have run to the window and jumped right out of it after seeing what we had to face only if I wasn't too busy panicking.

I saw a huge green coloured scaly figure slithering its way towards us with a scarlet plume on it's head and it's yellow dangerous eyes looking around the room. Yes, you guessed it right, it was a snake but no ordinary snake, it was a huge Basilisk, it was hundred times the size of an Anaconda. And to make matters worse, I was scared of snakes.

"C-close your eyes guys. It's a basilisk. It'll petrify us with its gaze. Close your eyes. NOW." Aiden whispered.

I didn't need to be told twice, I was more than happy to shut my eyes and believe that there was no huge scaly snake around. But I could feel its powerful presence, I could feel chills running down my spine and goosebumps sprouting on my hands and legs.

"Oh no no no, Amy! Don't panic. There is no basilisk in here. It is just a.... little worm roaming around t-the room." Charlotte gulped.

"Nice try Charlotte but I think I am getting a panic attack already." I whispered.

"Wait. What's this about?" Thomas asked.

"Uhm, Amy happens to be scared of snakes, A LOT." Charlotte spoke.

"Oh no! Amy, it's absolutely nothing." Aiden tried to calm me down but I was already shaking badly.

"I-I certainly can see how much nothing it is.... W-what are we gonna do now?" I asked trying my best not to pass out as the snake came closer.

"How do we kill this thing?" Thomas asked.

"Absolutely no idea." We said in unison and looked at each other. The basilisk was slithering towards us slowly, perhaps enjoying the fear reflected on our faces before eating us.

"I-I'll search on the Net." Charlotte said.

"You have cell service here?" I asked.

"No Amy, it's the Net that the Realm has. Corporeal world isn't the only world which can have Google and stuff. We are way more advanced." Adrien spoke.

"Cool... Till she finds it out, let's use our powers and try to stop it." I said.

"Eh... there is a bit of problem. Something has happened to the Net. It is not working but it never happens... I don't understand." Charlotte whispered.

"Keres must have done something." I said, "Wait. I think I have read about basilisks somewhere and certainly about how to kill it but I can't remember. Guys, you all cover me up. Actually no, I am going invisible, you all try to stop it while I try remembering how to kill it."

"Great. We can't see it but we can sense it for sure. Powers! Now!" Adrien shouted at top of his voice.

"Teichi... I need to become invisible. Now." I thought.

"There you go! And kill the snake for me. It's giving me chills." Teichi said and there was a flash and poof! I was invisible.

I opened my eyes and looked down at myself and saw my skin and clothes turning to a lighter shade.

"The basilisk can't see you so it won't be able to petrify you and we are with you Amy, there is no need to get scared of this thing. You have faced death; it is nothing in front of it." Kiki whispered.

"Uh, I think death was better than this." I thought and looked around. The boys and Charlotte were already working on it.

Charlotte was shooting some kind of huge ninja stars towards the basilisk to pin it on the ground, Aiden was helping Charlotte out by trying to pin it using his vines. He even tried to cover its eyes with his vines but the basilisk was just way too strong. It shook its body and sent all the stars and vines flying away.

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