Chapter 26- The Final Farewell

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"AMY!" I heard Adrien's voice but I was too busy covering my head in a position we all take when we realise something is going to fall on us. I heard someone's footsteps approaching me and two hands wrapped around me in protective way.

There was a loud thud, the sound of the statue basilisk crashing and I tightly closed my eyes ready to take the impact. I waited for a second but nothing happened. I slowly opened my eyes to see rocks all around me. I turned to see the two hands wrapped around me and found Adrien leaning on me, his eyes closed, his hair covered with small fragments of dust and a painful expression on his. He covered me to protect me from the impact of that statue's fall.

I touched his hands and lifted them in order to get up and as soon as his hands were off me, he fell on the floor with a thump. His back was all covered in blood and bruises.

"ADRIEN!" Aiden shouted and ran towards us followed by the rest of them.

I knelt down beside Adrien "Why.... Why do you people hurt yourself for me. Why did you do it Adrien..." I said, biting my lip with tears flowing down my cheeks. Adrien didn't reply, his eyes were still closed and he was still on the floor.

"Bro! Wake up! Y-you are okay! Nothing happened to you. Don't leave your twin like that please...." Aiden sobbed and put his head on Adrien's chest.

Thomas and Charlotte also knelt beside me, both of them in great shock.

I frowned at Adrien "You idiot! Wake up! Didn't you listen to Aiden? Get up!" I screamed and touched his hands. Just then, Aiden stopped sobbing and looked up with a start.

"W-What happened?" Charlotte asked.

"He.... Is breathing. He is alive! We need to take him back to the hospital in the Academy. Quick!" Aiden spoke up.

"But how?" Thomas asked.

"Aiden you have teleportation power. Use it! Transport him back to the Academy." I said.

"And them too." Charlotte said pointing towards two figures resting against the walls, their eyes closed, both with blonde hair. Mr. Winston was wearing a blue stripped shirt and black jeans while Mrs. Winston was wearing a yellow dress.

"You saved them. How?" I asked.

"It was easy. Thomas used some of his powers. I will tell you about all of it later-" Charlotte was cut off by a loud gurgling noise.

We looked at each other, confused.

"Are any of you hungry?" Aiden asked.

"No." I said.

"Guys? I think it is a bigger problem than being hungry. Much worse. See." Thomas said pointing at one of the corners of the room.

From the top left corner of the room was coming out red-orange coloured liquid out of absolutely nowhere.

"Where is that lava coming from?" I asked.

"Oh no. That's why it was so easy to take the birdcage off. Opening the birdcage must have triggered it." Thomas said.

"We have to get out of here now. We can't swim in lava like we did in the water! We'll burn to death." Charlotte said.

"We can't leave them either. Aiden, teleport them back to the Academy NOW." Thomas said.

"But teleportation is a very difficult thing. One second here and there and they can end up anywhere instead of-" I tried to say but Thomas stopped me.

"Not now Ms. Wisdom. NOT NOW. You took your chances against the basilisk and now let us take our chances." Thomas said.

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