Chapter 12- Final Stage

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Feeling dizzy for a dozen times a day, dying once, rock climbing, almost drowning, getting trapped by ugly creatures and being reminded of all the horrible truths of my past wasn't enough to exhaust me for one day? Oh it sure was. I indeed was totally exhausted but after all this, I didn't expect anything good to happen. So I allowed myself to flush in some god-knows-where place and also allowed myself to be dizzy for what? Fifth time in the day? I don't know. I don't keep track of my dizziness you know.

This time I didn't struggle or even think what is happening to me. I just let everything happen to me whatever was happening to me, and honestly, it was much easier for me. But one thing I didn't understand was why was that particular memory of my first meeting with Charlotte. Currently, I was being flushed so I didn't really have to care about it.

'How much longer will this flush go on!' I thought.

And I got the reply as soon as I thought of it. There was a sudden thud and I crash-landed on the floor. Yes, crash-landed and actually not on floor. On Mr. Grace. Of course he has to come everywhere I go.

"What are you doing beneath me!" I asked and I was totally annoyed for no reason.

"Oh Amy. If you don't know then you fell on me and I just saved you from crash-landing on the floor." He said calmly.

I stared at him "Uh, okay. Thanks. And it was no big deal you kno-owww!" I screamed as someone crash-landed on me.

I looked turned and saw that Thomas was on me. "Why are you boys all around me! Charlotte! Take your Thomas away." I screamed at top of my lungs.

"What did you say?" Asked Charlotte (and well, did I tell you she is good at singing? So when "say" hit the high note, it fortunately didn't pierce my ears.) as she fell beside me.

"I said take your Thomas away!" I told her and pushed Thomas away and he fell with a soft thud beside me. And I stood up giving Grace some air.

As I stood, Thomas asked "Her Thomas? Since when did I become her Thomas?" while Charlotte's cheeks turned all red at that moment.

"Uh, nothing. I just said it. I didn't exactly mean it." I said holding back my laugh.

"I don't like it when people don't mean what they say." Thomas said.

"Oh yeah? I don't like people like you as I don't like Chinese pigs." I fired.

"I am not a pig okay? My name is Thomas and for your information, I am Korean. Not Chinese. I hope you'll get your shitty brain fixed. Oh, sorry, you don't even have a brain that you'll fix it. Potato." He fired back.

"Do you even know who you are calling a Potato?" I shrieked.

"STOP YOU BOTH! Just shut your mouths for a second can you? First figure out what to do here!" Roselle spoke up.

And there we stopped fighting and looked around to take the view. It seemed as if we were somewhat back to the cave where I died. Both were very similar just this one had a more tropical vibe with vines growing all around it. In front of us was a coloured floor. Oh yeah I mean it, coloured floor. The floor had different coloured tiles on it, Red, Blue and Green. There was a thin mist covering anything beyond that.

"What is beyond these tiles?" Asked James.

"We will see that later on. But before that we have another problem. See those tiles? They are some kind of traps for us, I am sure of it. Why three coloured tiles? See, I will throw a rock there and something will happen." Roselle said. And she took a rock from the floor and threw at the red tile. And instantly, there was a boom and the rock... well it was no more a rock, it was ash.

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