Chapter 15- Warnings and Fighting

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I hate being drowned, I hate being forced to rock climb, I hate being half-burned by hot wax, I hate watching my friends in danger, I hate dying and of course, I hate being sucked into green holes. And that was exactly what happened to me right now. I was being sucked into the green hole also known as the Quartz Portal along with the others. Sometimes, life does the exact thing with you which you don't want, just to make you understand what you have got till now. But this didn't make me thankful of my life, instead it made me think how miserable my life was...

However, what now? What danger would this Portal bring next?

I ofcourse didn't know. But I got the answer when it spit us out on the floor, hard, ofcourse after making me all dizzy.

"Where are we?! I expected us to go into the lake kind of thing, then drown and then get Zenstash and finally wake up in the Hospital Wing at the Academy!" Roselle said.

"Dunno, where we are. And this certainly is not the Lake." Grace said.

"Ouch! Man, this Portal needs to learn how to transport people with respect." I spoke up as I hit the hard, cold, black coloured floor. I looked around to make sure that all of us were there and no-one was seriously hurt. Everyone was tired and panting and even X was with us there...

"Oh the Portal will not pay you as long as it is under my control. I-" a deep voice was interrupted with a high pitched, cold voice "Duke, lets introduce ourselves to them before starting with it."

I looked at the place from where the voice was coming. The room where we were right now seemed like a Throne Room, just... made up of something purple and black and it had evil aura.

The room had black floor, black walls and black roof with a huge purple coloured Chandelier hung right above us. Along the walls, torches (old fashioned ones) were lit with purple fire.

The owner of this place must love purple a lot.

There was a purple carpet leading up to a raised platform with a black, spiky and ofcourse, evil-looking throne on it. A silhouette of a slim figure was visible on the throne but its proper appearance was still hidden under the dark. Beside the throne was another Quartz Portal and I could see one more throne with lava oozing out of it. A thin and skinny man, with a pale complexion was sitting on the throne. His face seemed as if he was sick with brown eyes, black hair and an evil expression on his face.

"Who are you?" Asked Grace but X answered "Duke... and Keres."

"Oh this boy here is quite smart. Yes, I am Keres and our friend here is Duke. Greet them Duke, where are your manners?" She said.

"Oh manners... Ofcourse. I am Duke from a place you wouldn't know exists currently. I am very glad to meet you." The man spoke up.

"What are you doing here Duke? Y-you're not supposed to be here!" X exclaimed.

"Oh this annoying little boy remembers me. Well, I am here to meet a friend of mine, Keres. Oh and Keres, why don't you show them your pretty face? They must be dreading to see you." He said.

"Oh sure." Keres said. She clapped her hands and a few more torches lit up revealing her face. She was exceptionally beautiful to be an enemy. She had pure white skin, straight nose, big purple eyes, thick lips. She was wearing a purple knee slit gown. However, she looked as evil as ever even in that appearance.

"You all aren't worth my original form. Take this one." She said.

"Oh sorry there is a correction there. We are worth A LOT MORE than your original form." I said.

"I usually don't like killing beautiful women but you can become exception." Thomas spoke up.

"Oh we'll see to that, who will kill whom." Keres said.

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