Chapter 10: Quest Starts with a Terrible Start

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I could never have imagined that I could have slept so well before a deadly quest. In fact, it felt as if it was the quiet before a horrible storm but of course, I couldn't do anything but wait for the storm to come.

However where was I? Oh yes. I was sleeping dreamlessly and that was when someone shouted right in my ear "WAKE UP AMY! YOU LAZYBIRD. CAN'T MANAGE A SINGLE DAY WITHOUT ME." I shot up in the bed and almost fell down (actually, not almost, I did fell down). I was on the floor and that shook me out of my sleep and I looked up. There stood a blue coloured figure of Charlotte frowning at me. "Ch-Charlotte? How you-? Blue-? What-?" I stammered. "Oh Amy... First get up and well it is not that I have turned blue it is my hologram. I couldn't directly come to your room because of that lock so I sent my hologram. How is it? I just made it!" She explained and I was flabbergasted "I-Till now I just used to joke around about you being tech-savvy. But you are tech-savvy!" I exclaimed. Her hologram's cheeks blushed (turned into darker shade of blue) and she said "Well it was just my first try, didn't know it would turn out so well. However, you sleepyhead, come out in the Lounge! We all are waiting for you. 10 MINUTES. I give you 10 minutes to come." And with that her hologram flickered and vanished.

"I could have had a little bit talk with you. Huh. What time is it?" I murmured and looked at the phone kept beside me. I clicked on the button and the digital screen appeared with time showing on it. And it was....... 5 AM!? Who goes on a quest at five in the morning!

"This is the Realm. It is their rule. Learn to follow them." I thought and honestly I have never been great at following rules but of course I will have to try. Whatever. So, I went to the washroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face and changed my clothes into black top and army bottoms, took my little bag which carried my weapons, tied my hair into a ponytail and took deep breaths to make myself ready for this stupid quest and push all those death possibilities ideas out of my mind.

I took one last deep breath and said "Jesus. There will be NO deaths in this quest." But I knew that it might be the otherwise and I hated that fact. Still, I pushed that thought out of my mind and marched out of my room. I stood on the doorstep and willed myself to go to the Lounge. In a flash, I appeared on the first step of the stairs of the Lounge. At the far end of the Lounge stood my friends discussing something.

"Guys!" I yelled and ran towards them. "Finally, Amy you are here!" Charlotte exclaimed and Roselle murmured "Always late for things. Idiot." And I simply ignored her.

All of them looked quite fresh wearing new clothes and ready to face anything. Grace stood far away from Adrien (as expected) wearing blue jeans and yellow shirt with his little bag on his belt, his blonde hair and blue eyes gave made his look even better. While on the other hand, Roselle was looking cute (I never thought I would say that to her. Ugh.), she wore white crop top (her favourite) and black jeggings. Her emerald green eyes and black, straight hair made her look even prettier. Charlotte on the other hand was wearing blue denim shorts, white shirt and denim jacket and she was looking pretty good in that outfit with her hair tied in a bun. James wore green top with grey jeans and his brown hair and his sparking-hazel eyes made him look all ready and excited for this adventure. Thomas (my least favourite person) too looked awesome today. His black hair with purple highlights and sea-green eyes made his red T-shirt, black leather jacket and black jeans suit him so much. And last but not the least was there Adrien, he... what shall I say? Looked handsome. He was wearing half skin-coloured T-shirt showing off his muscles (Ugh. Can boys ever stop doing that?), and his brown Cargo pants looked good and his blue hair suited it quite well. In total, all of them looked so good just before a deadly quest. (Can you believe that?)

"Okay, so Amy, lemme fill you in with-" Adrien started but was interrupted by none other than Mr. Grace "I will fill you in Amy-" but I stopped him, "Just stop it Grace. Adrien knows better about this place so let him tell us. And please don't start your arguments here." Grace rolled his eyes and Adrien smirked.

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