Chapter 3: The First Encounter

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Char came in and just stared at me, she was all wet. Her blonde bun was no more a bun instead a wet pile of messy hair and her uniform was a total mess.

"Who did this to you? Who dumped Coca-cola on you?" I asked her. "Ok, calm down Char. First go and wash your face and have a nice warm shower. And before that, tell us who did this to you?" said Kiara Benton, my roommate.

"Th-thomas was just picking on me and- and suddenly he threw his coke on me and I got wet and people we-were laughing and I got embarrassed and-" Charlotte tried to explain while holding back her tears.
"Stop right there, I will deal with this shit. How dare he." I fumed.

I was feeling as if Mars, the Roman god of was whispering in my ear convincing me to have a fight with that idiot and you know what? I got convinced.

One part of my mind said 'No! Don't do that. You will get yourself into trouble!' while my heart said 'You have to take revenge! You can't bear what happened to Charlotte! Go and fight.' And my heart won, with that I stomped out and Grace followed me, why? I didn't know but I wasn't in the mood to ask him.

"Where is that idiot? I am gonna kill you!!" And when I reached the bliss hall (a place in our college made especially for the students to enjoy) he was standing there making fun of a first-year.

I trudged towards him and held him by his collar "You Idiot! Moron! How dare you touch my friend huh?" I roared. He gave a smirk and said "I was just picking on my neighbour. An innocent attempt, for real." He said.
"Oh, then what's with her being drenched in coke?" I asked.
"No that wasn't my fault, Brad here bumped into me and it fell on her, it wasn't the intention. But hey she looks good wet too, doesn't she?" He winked.

I clenched my hand and smacked him on his nose. He threw coke on my friend and STILL making fun of her.

"Anyone? Wanna a smack? A scar on your head? But you won't be famous like Harry Potter will you for getting a scar from a girl?" Some of them stepped aside to watch the fun while some came up to help Thomas. "Oi, Tommy! Need an assistant to even stand up?" I offended him. Roselle was standing behind him and came towards me to make a move when Grace stood in between us.

"Rosy dear... Would you attack your crush huh?" I smirked. This was turning into a real fight. Some boys backed up Thomas so I also called my backup "Hey guys, I'd like a little help here."

I said and a whole lot backed me up. I went for Roselle, Grace for Thomas and my lot to Tommy's lot. This was as worse as a Trojan war. Even teachers came and watched it with interest. I counter attacked Roselle's Judo flip. I twisted her arm made her lose her focus a bit and smacked her on her face.

She tried to elbow strike me but caught me in the shoulder and I wailed. Grace instantly looked at me but because of that silly action he got smacked in his face by Tommy of course. "Stupid Grace. That was utterly stupid." I said. Roselle was much wilder than I could ever imagine, she punched me on my face. I wasn't one of those who would keep quiet as you have already found out so I kicked her on knee and she wailed. I took that time to look around me and saw all the people in the hall finding.

I spotted Kim Wong-Lee combatting with Daniel Kenz, Rio Amino with Peter Jason and yeah, you understood. Suddenly I felt my someone pull me by my hair and I fell down on the floor with a thud (Ouch that hurt!) All the feet scrambling around me and there was I laying half-fainted. 'You can't faint Amy. Roselle would crush you to bits if you faint. No, that won't happen.'

I thought and with that I hit Roselle with a Double-leg takedown and she pre-occupied watching Grace to worry about herself and she fell by face on the ground with a thud. I smirked "You are not the only one who can make someone fall." But I wondered if she could hear me because of all those noise made by the others.

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