Chapter 22- Meetings

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"Amy? Wake up.. Please. Amy?" I heard someone's distant voice, for a second I thought it was Grace but later I realised that it was Thomas. I opened my eyes with start and as soon as I did it, I regretted. My head was about to split because of the pain.

However, I opened my eyes to find Thomas and Charlotte looking down at me, both tired and sullen eyes. I was back in the hospital wing.

"W-why are you looking at me like that?" I asked them and they both just shrugged.

I tried to sit up but Charlotte said "Don't move! Stay still."

I looked at down at myself and gasped. I had a huge wound on my stomach as if someone.... Stabbed me.

"Where is Roselle?" I asked.

Thomas shook his head and moved his eyes towards the bed beside me. I looked there and saw poor Roselle lying on the bed, her dress all covered in blood, mouth half-open, eyes closed and a satisfied expression on her face.

My eyes teared up and looked back at Thomas "Why did you do it? How could you..." I trailed off and collapsed my head back on the pillow. My wound was hurting even when I was speaking.

In reply Thomas just shook his head and said "I had to Amy."

I slowly stood up with some assistance from Thomas, Adrien and Charlotte and walked up to Roselle.

I sat near her and touched her hand affectionately. Her beautiful face had a weak smile on it and traces of the tears that came out when she was stabbed, willingly were still there.

"I am sorry Roselle. For everything. I am so sorry." I said and put my head against her body and began sobbing.

"Amy, you need rest. Come." Adrien said.

I nodded and I was about to stand up but I noticed something shining in Roselle's hand. Curiously, I spread open her hand to reveal Light Gem shining in her hand.

Roselle's words began ringing in my mind, take my Gem when I die..

I touched her Gem and it began to shine even more. I grabbed it and brought it near my pendant and soon it was hanging next to my Dark Gem.

"What happened to me? This wound..." I asked Thomas, Charlotte and Adrien.

"I... don't know why it happened. But when Thomas stabbed Roselle something happened to you and you fell on the ground. You started bleeding from the exact point where Roselle was stabbed. Whatever was happening to Roselle, same was happening to you. We were afraid that you could d-die too. But only Roselle did, you were just severely injured. It took you few hours to recover but Lisa did her best to heal you. Only if Grace was here....." She trailed off.

"Grace... Grace! We need to find him! Keres could be hard on him after what Roselle did..." I said.

"Calm down girl. First we need to see Mr. Almond." Charlotte said.

"Let's go then!" I said.

"Amy. Stop. You are not in the condition to go anywhere right now. You need to take rest first. Mr. Almond will come in a few minutes and then we will discuss." Adrien said and I nodded.

With their help I was back on my bed, my wound still hurting. I closed my eyes expecting to have a short, dreamless nap but Roselle, Grace and James's pictures flashed in my mind. Thankfully, Charlotte woke me up "Amy, they are here."

I opened my eyes and sat up. I saw Mr. Almond and Axel sitting beside me and I smiled at them. My eyes fell upon another boy standing behind them. He had brown hair with blonde highlights and blue eyes. Adrien noticed me watching that boy closely.

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