Day 10

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AN: I am so so so so sorry for the late update! It's been over a week, oh my god! But I don't really have time lately because work and stuff *sigh*
So yeah, I hope you'll like this chapter! Please tell me if it's still kinda realistic or if it's getting out of hand with the gayness, lmao.
Have fun reading this chapter! We're already 10 days into 50 Days! This is getting really exciting! Hope you're as excited as I am.
Alright, here we go!


My heart was racing as I was getting closer and closer to set. I was really exciting for the filming today. Vicki had encouraged me to stop worrying about destroying my friendship with Jensen because of the things that happened on set. She was right, anyway. 

It was acting. Only acting. Nothing to be worried about. We might make out, but at the end of the day we're just the two friends we've been before. Everything will be fine. 


I opened the door to the Makeup and hair trailer. Jared was already sitting on a chair; getting his hair done. He'd opened one eye to check who just came in.  

"Hey." He smiled at me. I nodded with a smirk on my face and sat down beside him. "Where's your trench coat," he added. I shragged my shoulders and let the lady do my hair and makeup.
"Is someone moody today?" I heard him laughing.
"No," I said relaxed and leaned back into the chair; closing my eyes.

Jared put his arm around my shoulders as we were walking down the street to the hall; rubbing his fist on my head. I tried to get out of his grip, but it made it worse. The work of the hair artist had been destroyed within seconds. I sighed and stopped fighting Jared. He let go of me.

"Here we go, the hair of sex is back." Jared burst out laughing. "It suits you better, Misha," he managed to say while laughing.

"Thank you, thank you," I said; trying to fix my hair. He chuckled and went into the hall.


"Damn it." Castiel heard coming from the kitchen before something broke into pieces. He was about to look at what had happened, but his limbs felt sore and numb at the same time. It was a new feeling for him and it wasn't a great one. Castiel didn't know what was going on - why he was starting to feel like a human - and it terrified him. Dean came into the room; carrying something in his hands. He was ignoring Cas, which hurt.

"Dean," Castiel muttered questioning, but his friend kept ingoring him. What was going on in his mind? Why was he so close but so far away? Why did he make Cas feel loved just to ruin his life the next second? In all the years he'd been in heaven and on earth, he'd never felt this hurt before. Before the day he'd met the Winchester life was way easier. Sometimes he wished he could go back in time and stop himself from getting Dean out of hell and make another angel do it. 


He could actually do that. He just had to time travel and...

"Castiel!" Sam screamed.

Castiel startled, he hadn't noticed he'd fallen alseep on the couch. He ran a tired hand through his messy hair and looked up. Sam's face was full of terror and worry.

"Castiel! get your ass down here!" The younger Winchester was fury.

"Sam, I'm here." Castiel managed to say. His tongue felt heavy in his mouth and he could barely speak. The angel tried to stay up, but he couldn't. He felt tired and exhausted. Something was missing, but he couldn't tell what it was. His chest was aching.

Sam turned around and looked at Castiel with big eyes. "Did you ... Did you sleep," he asked; emphasizing the word 'sleep'. Castiel nodded his head slowly. "Oh, I'm sorry."

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