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THE GALLOPING HORSES neighed as they kept going straight where their riders led them. They didn't look back nor did worry etch on their faces. They were determined to go, fearless to cross those who stop dead in their tracks. The waters splashed beneath the stallions' hoof as the rocks trembled so.

"Are we there yet?!" Athena yelled. "Not yet!" William answered. They've been travelling for two days now and they were lacking food and water. Though, none of them complained. They're about to reunite with the others. For months, they thought they were the only ones who made it to the past, but they were wrong. In the best way possible. The young teenagers have escaped from the terror of the school they landed in. Thank God they found horses in the stables even though they were rarely being used since everyone's using some old-fashioned cars.

As the ship docked in Pembroke, Wales, Kai and Liam rushed to get themselves a ride somewhere near London to meet their friends. They have become a little too popular for inventing a skateboard and a few new tricks using that creation. They had money and glory in Ireland, but will they have more of that once they reach their destination?

Axel and Hanna patiently waited in a fancy flat they afforded in London. It was hard saying goodbye to Elize. She was the best person they have ever met in this era. She gave them the finest things to make sure they would stay and help. She stood as their mother with no regrets. Though, like stories written in books and plays presented before the stage, the journey always ends. But, not really end for this is just the beginning of their story. The story that will save history.

Even when their hands were rough from work and their money was short, Blossom and Tristan managed to make their way from Cherbourg to Southampton, now travelling to London. They have had enough of the hardship, but thankful for the lesson they learnt. Together, they left their small little home with smiles across their faces. They owned a horse that was very useful for when they go back to their darling home and dearest friends. "Are you ready for this, Bloss?"

"More than ready, Tristan. Now, go. Go!"

In Newcastle where the daughter of the Indian Earl, Mia Khan resides, two young teenage girls ambitiously packed their needs and went outside to meet the simplest automobile that was soon opened for them. They stepped in and waved goodbye to the Earl that stood so still on the porch of the hall.

"Are you sure we are to meet with the real council, dearest Tasia?" Mia asked Anastasia who sat elatedly on her seat.

"We're sure, Mia. Don't worry. We're friends with the council and we know how clever and nice they are," Luna answered.

"Then, we shall go to London at once."

Living with a rich family was not so bad. No, not bad at all. Especially when they wash their underwears every day. Catherine just wants a nice cup of coffee and a canvas to paint such sceneries. Gemini just wanted to mess with everyone, but oh no, she can't. Though, the perks of that is a nice room, nice food and archery training.

Once they found out about the council's in London, they found ways to flee the place and start a new beginning with some people that they felt like they've known forever.

"I can finally sell paintings, slay those who get in my way, cut them all in half with my sword and drink coffee until I shake uncontrollably and die!"

"Ideal, Cath. Very ideal."

Let's bring the spotlight to Bradford where Tommy and Shareen lived with serenity alongside Ruby in her household. They felt bad for her for she runs the house all alone at such a fresh age. But, it seems as though fate wants to change that. The moment they found out that the council was alive, they immediately packed their bags and fled to London.

"I'm not sure about this."

"Just hold my hand. You'll be fine. The council is out there somewhere and we're on our way."

"Sorry to ruin the moment, but can you please go inside now?" Ruby said, interrupting the chaste moment between the two.

Ever wonder how they all found out? Let me take you back a few days ago to Evelyn who cleverly put out a code for everyone with Barron in a newspaper. They stayed up all night thinking of the cyphers that they scattered around a simple message.

" 20 15 20 8 5 1 12 12 9 5 19 6 18 15 13 20 8 5 25 5 1 18 20 23 5 14 20 25 20 23 5 14 20 25 23 5 1 12 12 3 1 12 12 6 15 18 25 15 21 20 15 4 5 3 12 1 18 5 20 8 1 20 20 8 5 3 15 21 14 3 9 12 9 19 1 12 9 22 5 1 14 4 23 5 12 12 23 5 1 12 12 19 8 1 12 12 23 1 9 20 9 14 12 15 14 4 15 14 1 14 4 23 5 1 12 12 19 8 1 12 12 7 1 20 8 5 18 1 14 4 20 5 12 12 "

They hoped they would find it. They hoped they would come to yield a blade, whip an arrow and swing a fist to those of their enemies. It was hope that brought Evelyn to believe that there's a chance and now that the council has fallen apart, she lost the star. The might of her strength to convince herself that everything would be okay. Apparently, the universe didn't fail her plea. The allies might be idiots, but they aren't dumb. They broke the code and finally, the star of Evelyn called upon more. Soon, the night sky was filled with the written destiny of the naive little saviours. Ready to fight a battle that they are about to transcend.

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