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ON WHAT FELT LIKE the third or fourth day, the passage of time became irrelevant. The focus shifted solely to the present situation, where they found themselves still in the market square, their minds clouded with uncertainty and their thoughts devoid of a plan for moving forward.

"So, Lord Cosko betrayed us by teaming up with the King and Sir Whimbrel. It says so in the journal. I'm not finished with it yet and I bet we'll be able to have a scheme or two to get King Fergus to abdicate and get the exiled Queen to be unbanished and return to England. Thanks to your gossip with the lodge lady, we have that information. Good to know you're not barmy at all," Y/N said and sighed, putting the pen down. Tewkesbury looked at her and cocked an eyebrow, chuckling.

"Aye, Lord and Lady Tewkesbury, do you two have any plans on going back to Basilwether soon?"

Both of them stared blankly at their stall neighbour and cleared their throats. "Er — "

"Please, call us Tewkesbury and Y/N." The boy said, gesturing to the girl beside him.

"Sans your titles?" the man asked. They nodded, making him gasp. "This is such an honour! Thank you! Thank you! I can never forget this." He exasperatedly gasped.

L/N slightly snorted, holding her laugh back. Tewkesbury was as amused as her.

"Please, Proxius. Don't kneel and be quiet about this. We are undercover, remember?" she asked.

"Oh! Right you are." He said and stood up, clearing his throat and tipping his hat. "Good day, Pierre, Priya."

"Good day to you as well, Proxius!" the teens greeted in delight.

"Undercover? Almost all of London knows you've returned in such a mysterious way. Everyone is wondering how you two have become younger again. Lucky for the two of you, none of them believes you are the Marquess and Marchioness. You two do look like them, but you lack their ferocity. Even I can't believe this rubbish of yours," a woman from another stall stated.

"Good," they both said at the same time.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted and the attention of the people present shifted to its source. Muttering and shouting could be heard as a group of men dressed in red uniforms appeared just a few metres away from Y/N and Tewkesbury. The crowd froze in place, unable to locate the two individuals amidst the throng.

"Quiet!" commanded the guard at the forefront, his voice ringing out authoritatively. The crowd immediately fell silent, heeding his command.

"The news of the Basilwether Nobilities had cast a pall over England, causing widespread mourning. In honour of their esteemed leaders, the Crown Prince has decreed that their state be restored to its former glory. However, a disturbance has come to the attention of the future ruler. Reports have surfaced of a young man and woman in London's market square claiming false identities. In light of this, the Crown Prince has issued a request..."

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