My whole body hurt, from the punches and kicks, from tearing my flesh open and creating a sword without a hilt to slam into the trainer's neck. Now he lay at my feet, the mask covering his face, blood pouring onto my feet.

"Normally, I would say you did a great job." I didn't look away from the blood on the floor as Mrs. Osaka began to talk. "You did finally snap and have your first kill. But, he was someone important to me."

The lights switched off, and despite the sickness and fear in my young heart, I didn't move. "So, instead of letting you fully heal, we'll begin the next lesson." The only light from the door began to dim as Mrs. Osaka closed the door.

"This is what happens when you kill an ally."

Once the door shut, it took a few seconds before a loud beeping noise went out and the collar on my neck was activated. And my body fell to the floor in writhing pain.


Thursday morning, Midoriya was worried about Mira. He wasn't the closest to her, but after the villain attack, Midoriya felt a bit responsible for what happened. Maybe if he was able to help, Mira wouldn't be mute right now.

He would talk to Mira, even though she wouldn't respond. He saw her hand flex when he got yelled at by Bakugo, her head turning a bit to them. The largest reaction he got from Mira the entire week.

He pulled Todoroki aside during lunch to ask.

"Todoroki, do you know what's going on with Mira? I never thought she'd go mute! Is it the because of the villain attack?" Midoriya asked, hoping that Todoroki would have at least one answer.

"I do not know what is happening with Mira." Todoroki said.

"Oh. Sorry Todoroki, for bothering you." Midoriya's face fell and he began to take a few steps back, squeezing his hands together. So even Todoroki was in the dark.

"It isn't because of the villain attack, Midoriya. Don't feel worried about that." Midoriya looked back to see a dark, thoughtful expression on Todoroki's face. "I know she seems rude, seems cold and uncaring, but Mira is a very emotional person."

Midoriya's eyes widened at Todoroki's words.

"She feels a lot more than what she can show. She has a harsh background, and when her memories get too painful, Mira closes up and shuts herself off from her emotions to save herself." Todoroki looked back up to Midoriya, eyes almost... almost pleading.

"Please don't think Mira is doing this on purpose. She is a good person."

Midoriya waved, flabbergasted. "I-I never thought she was rude! I was just worried about her! W-we all are..." Midoriya trailed off, face falling once more.

"I know we don't talk often, and I probably can't do anything, but..." He looked up at Todoroki, eyes suddenly intense. "Mira is coming back, right? She will turn back to her loud, confident and aggressive self, right?"

Todoroki nodded, Midoriya feeling a bit more relaxed. "Alright. I owe you a bowl of soba."

The two walked off to the lunch room, not realizing that around the corner was Bakugo, overhearing, a frown on his face, eyes clouded.

'Mira is a very emotional person'. Bakugo scoffed. Wasn't that obvious? Especially now, with all the pain in her eyes.


"Her blood heals, even this rat, when her Quirk is activated. But look what happens when she turns her Quirk off." The scientist said over the speaker. "Mira, shut your Quirk off now."

Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]Where stories live. Discover now