Warren came over to them once they were nearly done and explained which tents were staying up for the night and how many people were going to sleep on the busses.

"10K this is Jack Eastwood, he's the leader of the original group here and had taken charge when the other groups started running into them along the road." Warren introduced them. Jack was an older man, probably in his late forties, he had a fair build on him and reminded her of Vasquez only with lighter hair. He was the former cop or military looking type.

"Nice to meet ya." Jack nodded before gesturing to a couple of people to his left, "This is Phil and Frankie. We've been traveling together since the start. I'm gonna assign each one to a bus so they can help make sure no one gets left behind."

As he spoke Bailey thought he looked pretty grouchy for someone who had just been rescued and got a free pass into Newmerica. But maybe that's just how he was, heck, Dante looked grouchy all the time too but he would have given his life to save people - technically he had before he turned Talker.

"Sounds good to me." 10K replied with a shrug.

Then Warren continued, "I need you to help Doc refuel the busses while I help Penny and Joe over there get their vehicles started. The more supplies we can haul the better."

10K nodded and kissed Bailey on the cheek before going to help Doc and Bailey returned to lugging bags into the busses. She wasn't the only one, several others were running back and forth as they loaded up their things. Bailey took it as a sign that these people were eager to get out of here and reach Altura where they could finally feel safe. Bailey was near Warren getting another duffel bag as the Chief finished with the last vehicle 's repairs when 10K returned. He told them he could volunteer for watch during the night and Warren seemed to appreciate his offer and said she'd let Jack know as she walked off. Bailey felt something off about 10K though and after Warren left she pulled him aside into some thicker trees to talk.

"Are you okay?" she asked noticing how his eyes only stayed on her for a moment before scanning the forest, before landing on her again then scanning the trees again. "You seem on edge."

"I just. . . have this weird feeling." He admitted.

"Like we're being watched?"

"No." he shook his head seeming like he was having trouble describing it himself, "It's more like. . . I dunno, like I've been here before."

Bailey looked around for a moment then turned back to him, "It's a forest Tommy." She pointed out, they'd camped in the woods several times before and she was confused how one forest could feel different to him when to her they all looked the same.

"I know, but I. . . I just can't shake this." He said looking at her again and biting his lip as she brought her hand to his arm and rubbed his sleeve trying to be reassuring. 10K's instincts were always good and his eyes never missed a threat but the fact that he didn't feel threatened by something lurking out there only made Bailey more confused and seemed to put 10K even more on edge. "It's like. . . like when we were following Warren on that Black Rainbow mission and we ended up back at Mercy Labs. Like that feeling of dread."

She nodded her head understanding, having been filled in on what he'd gotten up to while they'd been separated, as she kept rubbing his arm, "Try not to think about it." She tried advising, "You'll have plenty of time to mull it over while you're on watch tonight."

He nodded still looking over her shoulder at the trees behind her, "Yeah, let's just. . . " he scanned around them again, "go bunk in the jeep tonight."

"If it's paranoia Kid I can counsel you at a discount rate." Doc joked as he passed them having heard the tail end of their conversation.

10K chuckled, "I dunno if it's paranoia Doc."

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now