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"And she'll get shipped out as well." Norman smiled sadly. Ray stopped speaking and froze on his seat. Emma looked at the both of them, wondering what's going on.

"I'm not going to be shipped out. My leg isn't healed yet." Emma said, completely unknown to the situation they're talking about.

"Don't you think it's time to tell Emma?" Norman asked with a smile. The poor girl was confused and looked back and forth of the two of them.

Ray contemplated, but gave in. "Look, Emma.." And so he explained. Everything he told to Norman. About the girl Mom had kept a secret. Emma listened intently and was surprised as well. From the point where he met her to the time where Don told them there was a bed in the secret room. Basically linking everything.

"So you're telling me, we have another sibling we didn't know about?" Emma asked, confused and surprised. She looked down, he could see the sadness in her eyes.

"She's been all alone with no one to talk to.." Emma realized. "Never had a chance to play with us. She must have been so lonely.."

"That's why I will destroy what Mom's plotting and make sure you all escape, all of you." Norman smiled. "Both of you, thank you. You should have come up with a plan after I am gone."

"Don't be ridiculous. Then what was my six years of life for?!" Ray yelled, frustrated.

"I'm really sorry."

"Damn it!" Ray exclaimed. Silence, everyone didn't talk after that. After a few moments, Emma raised her hand. "Then Ray, you should break your leg too." Emma smiled. "It's okay right? Yeah, let's break a bone!"

"Emma, what are you.."

"You know since I am hurt. I don't think I'll be shipped in your place, Norman. Remember what the demon said at the gate said? We are high-grade merchandise. We are also special." Emma explained, with her hand motioning while explaining. "When we go we have to be in perfect form. So if they need a replacement, it'd be Ray. So if Ray was hurt so badly too, he wouldn't be shipped out immediately."

Ray started to get what she was suggesting. She was right. "That's a great idea!" Ray started laughing. "Alright, let's get cracking."

"But wouldn't my arm be enough?" Ray showed his arm.

"Oh yeah, then let's break your arm!" Emma laughed along with Ray.

Now, Norman was worried for his friends. "No, wait! It's not guaranteed that you won't get shipped out even if you get hurt."
Norman tried to stop them.

Emma turned to Norman, smiling. "Then catch a terrible cold. The demons won't have to eat me if I'm super sick right?"

"Breaking your arm will be super exhausting and painful, but you'll be fine right?" Emma turned to Ray with a smile.
Ray only nodded and grinned.

"We just have to use string-cup telephones and discuss our plans."

"That's a good idea. We won't have to worry about Mom hearing us" Ray agreed.

"But.. It doesn't change the fact that she'll get shipped out." Norman sighed.

Ray turned to him. "Don't worry, I'll figure something out." He said assuring him. "It's okay, Norman. I won't let you or her die." Emma smiled. "Even though we haven't really met her, she's still a sibling. You, you are our sibling. No one will die among us. We'll make sure of that."

"Let's keep living together, okay Norman?" Emma said, a tear slipping off her cheek.

"Yeah." He agreed, his voice cracking at the end. Norman placed his hands on his face and broke down to a cry. Emma comforted him by rubbing his back. Ray smiled in victory, hugging the two of them.

𝟑𝟗𝐓𝐇 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ➤ Ray Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant