Chapter Four: Agreements

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I'm supposed to meet Christopher for dinner tonight. I've been looking for something to wear all day. Everything I have doesn't seem good enough. I look at the mess of clothes I put on my bed. I groan and I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in, Maxy."

Max opens the door and walks in. He looks at the clothes then at me "Woah. What's all this?"

"I'm trying to find something to wear tonight."

"Ooh! A date maybe?"

"Something like that."

"Who's the lucky guy? Do I know him?" He lays on my bed where there isn't a mountain of clothes

"Kinda. Christopher invited me over to his place for dinner."

"Christopher? Who's...wait hang on, Christopher Cerulli?"

"That's the one."

"When were you gonna tell me!"

"I wasn't sure if I was going till this afternoon. He asked me to come over yesterday during our lunch."

"How come?"

I can't tell him the truth, I wasn't sure I was gonna go because I wasn't sure about my answer to Christopher's offer. Things like this get messy and I wasn't sure if I wanted to do this with him. I know I need the money though. I may have to put my morals off to the side.

"I just..wasn't sure it was a good idea."

"I mean, if he invited you, Char. I'm sure he wants you to come."

I shrug and Max gives me a sympathetic look. "This's about that girl from before isn't it?"

"Kinda? Let's just say He's...complicated."

"Maybe you guys should just be friends? I'd hate for you to get hurt."

"I'm just gonna see how tonight plays out. Maybe I'm overthinking it."

"Just take it at your own pace, okay?"

I nod and start putting my clothes back in the closet.

"Wear something red. Be bold." He shrugs

I look through my clothes, trying to find something red. I find a red dress in a plastic cover. I look at it and Max looks at it. "That's nice, wear that. It still has the tags."

"I never got to wear it, I bought it to wear to my engagement dinner."

"More of an excuse to wear it tonight."

I nod and take it out of the plastic covering. It's a cute dress, it's a shame I never got to wear it.  I should wear it tonight, it's my nicest dress after all. Plus it almost feels like a right of passage. Max smiles at me. "It's nice to see you happy about a guy again."

I grin at him "Thanks."

I keep wishing I could tell Max about Christopher's offer. He could give me some advice about what to do. I keep going back and fourth on what I wanna do, I know I could use the money and I know Max could too. It just seems so wrong, as I said before, I don't wanna end up hurt or used. I keep hoping that Christopher isn't like that.

After Max leaves my room, I get out of the clothes I wore to work and put on the dress. I look at myself in the mirror, The dress hugs my waist and flows down my legs nicely. The neckline comes up around my neck in a halter style. I look at my hair, it's in a messy bun from earlier. I think I'm gonna curl my hair. I know this isn't a date but I would still like to look nice at least for myself.

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