Chapter Thirty Three: Nerve

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I pace around my apartment in complete worry, I don't have my phone or my purse. I left them at Chris's, I don't know where he is or where Max is. I don't know what to do, Chris could be anywhere. He could be safe in bed or walking the streets of New York. What if he's trying to get ahold of me? With how angry he was, I doubt it.

I can't help but feel like he went to Oculus. What if he's with another girl? What if she's doing all the things I won't? What if he leaves me over this? I feel the hole in my heart getting bigger. I wanna see him and apologize profusely. I hear keys jingling outside "Max?" The door opens and Max stumbles in. Great he's drunk.

He closes the door and comes over to the couch. He looks at me "Char? What're you doing here?"

"Max I know you're probably to drunk to comprehend anything but, I need to talk to you."

"Is there anything to eat?" He slurs

I sigh "Sit, I'll make you some eggs."

He plops on the couch "yay!"

I go in the kitchen and open the fridge, I grab the ingredients for some scrambled eggs. I start by cracking some eggs in a mixing bowl. "Maxy, I really screwed up. I hurt Chris."

"I'm sorry." He slurs

"Yeah, me too. I think I might've lost Chris."

"Then go find him, silly."

"No Max, not like that. Like he left me.

"Hmm I don't think so. That doesn't sound like Chris."

"I should've seen how angry he was. I don't think I've ever seen him so angry. Not that I don't deserve it. I lied to him and I kept something from him."

"Oh, then shame on you."

I nod "I know, shame on me." I tear up and I put my hand over my mouth.

I hear him get up and go to his room. He plops on the bed and I say "Maxy I really screwed up."

I hear a light snore come from his room "Max?" I hear another snore. He's asleep, great. I stop making the eggs and I start crying. This's all my fault.

I wake up curled up on the couch to someone knocking on the door. I look up and quietly say "Chris? CHRIS!" I quickly get up and I throw the blanket I was using off of me. I hurry to the door, I adjust the tank top and shorts I'm in and yank the door open. "Chris!" I frown when I see Malcom. He looks at me "Sorry doll, not Mr.Cerulli."

I let him in and he walks in. I close the door behind me "Malcom where is he?"

"Home, he asked me to bring you your things." He hands me my purse and phone.

"Oh my phone! Thank you." I take my things and toss them on the couch

"No problem, Miss Montgomery."

"How is he?" I cross my arms

"Distraught. Angry. Confused."

"Is this the boot for me? You bringing my things?"

"I don't know, dear. He didn't mention anything of a breakup to me. He just instructed me to give you your phone and purse."

"I'm so worried about him, did you pick him up last night?"

"Yes ma'am. I did."

"Where did you take him?"

"Straight home. He dismissed me after that."

"I wanna go see him, will you take me?"

"No ma'am. I was given strict instructions to drop your things off then leave. He said he would like to be alone. He said he'll reach out when he's ready."

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