Chapter Twenty Three: Real

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I spent all of Saturday and Sunday morning moping, I can't stop thinking about my conversation with Chris's father. It breaks my heart knowing he was abused as a child. On top of it his Dad won't even admit that he did it. I've been wanting to go to Chris and talk to him about it. I can't see him wanting to talk about it though. I know I probably wouldn't.

I keep thinking about that kiss from the other night, I missed his lips so much. I lay in bed thinking about it, how much I wished the kiss became more. How much I wish he brought me up here and made me his again. I roll on my side and groan, I need to start jogging again. Exercise always clears my thoughts, I can't be laying around here all day thinking about sex with my ex. I'll never get anything done.

I sit up and look at my running shoes, I could go on a run now. It might help get my mind off Chris, I get out of bed and change my clothes. I put on some leggings and a sports bra. I put a pair of socks on then my running shoes. I grab my phone and headphones then walk out of my room.

I see Charlie and Max standing by the door saying goodbye. Charlie kisses Max's cheek then looks over at me. "Bye Charlotte."

"See you later Charlie."

He grins then walks out, shutting the door. Max turns to me and says "You're finally outta bed?"

"Yeah, sorry."

"You okay? I feel like I haven't seen you all weekend."

"I've just got a lot on my mind. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what's up?" He sits on the couch

"With the families and kids you work with, have you ever had a parent try to justify abuse? Like say oh it's not abuse, it's just punishment for bad behavior."

"Oh, all the time. Why?"

"Just wondering, have you ever had a child lie about being abused?"

He thinks about it for a second "Not off the top of my head, no. Usually if a child is being abused they'll lie and say it's not happening, or their parent told them to so they can gain sole custody easier. Is one of your clients being abused or something?"

"No, I was just curious."

"Oh, that's a weird thing to be curious about."

I shrug "It's just been something on my mind."

"Think happier thoughts, babe. What time's your date?"

"Not till later tonight."

"I'll make sure to clear the apartment, in case you decide to come back here."

I half smile "Thanks but, no thanks. I don't think I'm gonna need it."

"Never say never. You may end up really liking him. You only know him as a co-worker, you've never hung out with him as anything else. Who knows, he may be spectacular in bed?"

"Maybe. Not really interested in finding out though." I shrug

"Then why'd you accept the date?"

I shrug "Felt like a good idea at the time. I'm gonna go on the date but, if it doesn't click I'm gonna tell him I just wanna be friends."

He shakes his head "Cerulli must've really done a number on you. You never used to be so picky."

I sigh "Yeah, he must've."

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