Chapter Six: Initiation

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I spent all weekend at home with Max, I wasn't sure I was gonna be called to see Chris. I figured I should be home just in case he called. Max was in and out all weekend, He's been talking to a new guy. I guess things with that other guy got old fast, I admire Max. I admire the fact that he never gives up. If things don't work out he shrugs it off then finds the next person, I hope that works for him. I know it wouldn't work for me, I'm a romantic by nature and I try seeing the good in everyone.

After I got off work, I walk out of the building and I see Malcom waiting. I give him an odd look and walk over "Malcom? Am I supposed to be meeting Chris somewhere?"

"No ma'am. Mr.Cerulli's attending a late meeting."

"Okay? So why're you here?"

"Mr.Cerulli instructed me to drive you home."

"Oh, well, I don't live far so, I can just walk. Thank you anyway, Malcom."

I go to walk away but Malcom stops me "I'm sorry, Miss Montgomery but, Mr.Cerulli gave me strict instruction to drive you home. He would prefer you didn't walk home anymore, when you leave work it's late and you're a young woman. Plus, It's New York after all. Not the safest city in the world."

"Like you said, I'm a young woman. I'm at risk everywhere, I've walked home a bunch of times and nothing happened. I'll be fine. Thank you anyway though."

I turn and walk away I hear Malcom say "I'll have to call Mr.Cerulli and tell him about this."

While walking I call back "You do that! Tell your boss I said hello!"

I get home to my apartment and I notice the doors slightly open. I sigh and roll my eyes, I walk inside "Maxwell! You didn't close the door all the way." I shut the door behind me and lock it.

"Sorry, babes! I went and grabbed the mail earlier must've not shut it hard enough!" He calls from his room

"I swear one day we're gonna get robbed, Maxy!" I set my bag on the coffee table

Max walks out dressed better than his usual t-shirt and jeans with old converse. He looks at me "It only happens while I'm home. You think a robbers gonna rob us when he walks in and sees me? a guy that's six foot three and almost two hundred pounds, you think He'll still rob us? Doubt it."

I giggle "I can picture it now, You sitting on the couch with a beer in your hand and a bowl of popcorn watching some kind of sport. A robber breaks in and you look at each other and after a long silence you say 'Wanna catch the game with me? There's beer in the fridge'"

"I can't help it, I'm friendly! Plus I've kicked plenty of guy's asses in my day, most of them because of you. Like when Robbie Glimer spread that rumor that you gave him head in the tenth grade."

I roll my eyes then pick up the mail "Oh yeah, that guy. I gave plenty of guys head in high school, just not him."

Max looks at me wide eyed "What! You did? Who?"

"Long time ago, Maxy. Change the subject, Why're you dressed so nicely? You got a date?"

"Uh, Yeah. New guy. I met him on Tinder, I'm just meeting him for drinks down the block. Probably gonna grab a burger or something afterwards so, congrats your night to cook dinner is moved to tomorrow."

"Great, I'm gonna order takeout then."

"Alright, I won't be out late. I've got a home visit early tomrrow morning."

I nod and Max walks towards the front door, He grabs his coat and pulls it on "So what's for dinner?"

"Hm, I was thinking chinese? I'm craving orange chicken. You know from that place Cafe China"

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