Chapter Two: Shame

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When I walked into work this morning, I was still mortified from earlier. I can't believe I spilled hot coffee all over that guy. God, Charlotte, why're you so clumsy. I go to my office and unlock the door. I go in and flip the light on, I set my bag on my desk and shut the door behind me. I need to check when my first client is coming in.

I sit in my computer chair and turn on my laptop. While I wait for everything to turn on, I check my clothes. Making sure I didn't spill coffee on myself as well. It looks okay, thank god I didn't decide on wearing white today. I sit back in my seat and groan loudly. I need to forget about this morning, it was an accident. Accident's happen.

I went through my day as normal, I had to see eight clients today. I try to only see six or seven clients on Friday but, I had a cancellation earlier in the week. While my client talks to me, I try to focus. I keep thinking about the man from this morning. I recognize the building he went in, maybe I can offer to pay for his dry cleaning?

After a bit I hear my timer ding, telling me time was up. I look at my client and smile at her "Well that's it for this week, Maisie."

She smiles and nods "So would I just see you next Tuesday? Like usual?"

"Yep! Same time, same place."

"Okay, I'll tell my Mom."

I nod then stand up "You ready to go?"

She sighs "I guess so." Then stands up

I walk Maisie out into the reception and I tell her I'll see her next week. She waves to me and walks out of the office. I look and see the security guy, Mark. He gives me a friendly smile, "Hey Charlotte, was that your last client? Can I lock up now?"

"Yeah, it was. Go ahead and lock up. Have a Good night and weekend, Mark." I smile then walk back towards my office.

I sit at my desk and start typing up my notes on Maisie. I look at the clock on my computer and realize it's time for me to go. I'll have to work on my notes at home and over the weekend. I close my laptop and start putting my things away. I open my drawer and take my phone out. I check my emails and texts, someone knocks at my door. I see Nancy, another therapist I work with.

She gives me a friendly smile, she's a sweet woman that really welcomed me when I started working here eight months ago.

"Hi Charlotte, happy Friday, hun."

"You too. You heading out?" I notice her purse slung over her arm.

"Yeah, my son's at home sick. I think he brought it home from school. Now my husband just called me and told me he think's he's got whatever Andrew has and ugh. Motherhood."

I give her a sympathetic smile "Oh no, I hope they feel better soon."

"Yeah, me too. With Christmas coming in a month, I can't have them sick. Anyways, do you have any fun plans this weekend?"

"Nope. I recently moved out of my old house, so I'm spending my weekend unpacking and sorting. My roommate's kinda been giving me hell about it. It's a small place and my boxes are kinda everywhere."

"Well, I hope you have a good weekend otherwise." She smiles

"Thanks." I grin "Well, you better get home. I'm sure your boys need you."

"Thanks Charlotte, see you Monday." She waves then walks down the hall to go home

I drop my smile then grab my things to go home. I stand up and grab my keys. I walk out of my office closing the door and locking it. I walk down the hall and out the employee exit. When I get outside it's even colder, probably should've driven to work today.

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