Chapter Twenty Seven: Meeting

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I stare at the woman in front of me, I try to put my thoughts together. She's my aunt? The woman who was supposed to take me in? The woman who left me in foster care as an infant. I feel sick, I've never seen any of my family members before. The only time I saw my parents was their picture in an old newspaper article about their car accident.

I start feeling faint, Chris wraps an arm around me. He keeps me steady I look at the woman again. She says "I know this's a lot, maybe I shouldn't have come." She walks towards the door. I look at her "No, wait." She stops and looks at me.

"I just need some time to process. I'd like to talk to you though. Leave your number and we can set up something." I quickly walk out of the room, afraid I was gonna throw up from the anxiety.

Chris later finds me back in his bed. He looks at me "She's gone, baby."

"Why did this have to happen? I was blissfully happy and then bam! She shows up. Am I just not allowed to be happy?"

He sits at the edge of the bed "You don't have to meet her. Only if you want to."

"I wanna know more about my parents. So I think I'm gonna have to. I wanna ask her all about them, like, did they prefer paper or plastic? What were they like? What were their goals to achieve as a family? I mean wouldn't you wanna know? If the circumstances were flipped?"

"I don't know, maybe."

I sigh "What should I do?"

"If you wanna learn about your parents, you're gonna have to talk to her. If you want I'll come with you for support."

"No. Thank you, but no. I need to do this alone."

"When do you think you're gonna call her?"

"No idea. I need to think all this over. I need to go home." I get up and untie my robe and start to put my dress on from last night.

"Do you want me to come with you."

"No, I need to think. Maybe talk to Max if he's around."

He nods "Well I'm here if you need me."

I put my heels on and walk over to him. I hold his face I lean in and peck his lips. I pull away "I won't be far. I'll come to you tonight, I promise."

He nods and I kiss him again, he kisses me back then I grab my phone and purse. "I'll see you in a while. I love you." He winks at me and I leave. I need to find Max.

I get home and I hear Max in his room, he sounds like he's on a work call. I walk towards his door and I lightly knock on the door. He turns to me and waves. "Mrs. Wade, we've been over this. You need to attend those parenting classes I told you about before we can try bringing your kids home. I'm sorry but they're mandatory."

I wait for him to finish and eventually I hear him say "Alright have a good day, Mrs.Wade." He hangs up and looks at me "What's up?" I tear up and I hurry over to and hug him tightly. "Woah woah, what's wrong? Did something happen with Cerulli?"

"No, everything's wonderful with Chris."

"Then what happened?" He rubs my back

"My aunt showed up at Chris's house this morning." I ball on to his shirt

"Oh honey, I'm sorry."

I cry harder on his shirt and I sniffle "Chris wanted to help me but I couldn't let him. I didn't want him to see me cry like this."

He keeps rubbing my back and he kisses the top of my head.

I sniffle "What should I do? What would you do if your parents came and found you?"

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