Chapter Thirty One: Dig

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I wanna find out more about what Mrs.Holland was talking about. Why would she have to sign an NDA? What was so horrible that his father made his employee's sign NDA's. I wanna look into all this but I don't know how. My reach is only so far and I don't wanna bother Chris with this. He has enough trauma already without knowing the extra gorey details.

I spin in my chair trying to think of how I can look into things. Firstly, I know I wanna investigate but, am I prepared to find anything if I do? I wish I could just ask Mrs.Holland, she seemed like she wanted to talk to me but the NDA stopped her. I stop spinning in my chair and I look at my computer. I can't even do a google search. There's nothing I can do to help him.

I groan loudly then I look over at the clock. I have a meeting with my boss and other co-workers in an hour. I wish I could skip it, I just wanna leave already. I'm supposed to go dress shopping for a dress tonight for that gala. I don't know if I'm up to it though. I keep thinking about how bad Chris's nightmare was last night, how badly it scared him.

I feel awful that he had a nightmare in my bed. That's not what I wanted for him whatsoever. I'm afraid that he'll never wanna spend the night at my place again. He was so quiet this morning, he just wanted to get up and get going to work. We didn't even have coffee together like we usually do. A knock on my doorway breaks my focus.

I look at my door and see Laura there, I smile at her "Morning, Laura. What's up?"

"Maddi and I are gonna go to lunch at noon. Wanna come?"

I don't have any lunch plans with Chris, why not? Maybe I can vent?

"Sure! Anywhere you pick's fine."

"Great, we'll leave after the meeting."

I give a thumbs up and she walks back towards her office. I look down at my hand, I look at the beautiful diamond band Chris gifted me. I love wearing it, I love showing off that I belong to him. I wouldn't want it any other way. I can't wait to see him after work, I'm happy he's coming with me dress shopping. After all, I'm only wearing whatever dress I pick for him.

I'm thinking something black and sheer, or maybe red? Or a dark green? We'll see what the dress shop has to offer. I look over at my phone, I hope he isn't dwelling to hard over last night. I wish I could go comfort him, tell him how loved he is and that he's safe with me. I shake the thoughts away, I can't think about it. It'll only bring down my mood.

Once the meeting was over, I headed to lunch with Laura and Maddi. We went to a cute outdoor place, it wasn't too hot outside luckily, it's more humid than anything. I read the menu and I decide on a salad. I don't wanna eat a big meal while it's so humid.

I look over at Maddi and she's talking about some guy she met over the past weekend.

"He's been great, except for one tiny thing."

"I hope you don't mean his tiny thing." Laura jokes then takes a sip of water.

"No! It's not that, well kinda."

Laura raises her brows "Come on spill it."

"So the other night I had a date with him, we went back to his place and things of course led to his bedroom right? And it turns out he's into that BDSM stuff."

A knot forms in my stomach, I think about Oculus and all the things I saw happening there. Laura looks at Maddi, "Is that bad?"

"No, I was just surprised is all. Plus I've never done anything like that before. I felt so, helpless? I guess is the word is? Have you guys ever done anything like that?"

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