Chapter Eight: Realization

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Chris and I were supposed to have lunch together today but, a meeting came up. So lunch in my office it is! I don't mind, I could use some quiet time alone. It's been a crazy couple weeks, I'm still reeling from that charity event. I can't stop thinking about that kiss in the car. I wonder if he's thinking about it too. While I eat my lunch, someone knocks on my door.

The door opens and it's Laura, one of my co-workers. I smile at her "Hey, Laura. What's up?"

"Me? Oh nothing. You see the paper today?"

I shake my head no, "No. I don't usually look at that stuff. Why what's in the paper?"

"Oh nothing, just you and a billionaire kissing at some charity event in Manhattan." She slides the paper towards me

I pick it up and it's a article about the charity gala. I see a few other photos but, mine and Chris's jumps out at me. I smile and read the caption below it.

"Billionaire Christopher Cerulli attends Manhattan's Annual winter charity ball with girlfriend Charlotte Montgomery."

I look at Laura and she's smiling, I smile back "Yeah that's me."

"I didn't realize you were dating again."

"Yeah, I met Chris a couple weeks ago just by chance. Figured I shouldn't pass up a good man because I was hurt by a bad one."

"Talk about aiming higher."

"Yeah." I scoff then pick my phone up to look up the photo online.

"Does he have a brother?" She looks hopeful

"Nope. Just a younger sister."

"Damn.Wishful thinking." She smiles

"Sorry, he's mine." It's getting easier to lie to people about my relationship with Chris.

"Lucky girl. Enjoy him." Laura smiles "You better bag him. He's probably the most eligible bachelor in New York right now.

I smile at her and she walks out of my office. After she shuts the door, I unlock my phone and search up Chris's name in google. When it loads I find the picture and online article. I screenshot it then quickly go to my text thread with Chris. I send it to him and say "Look who's being talked about!" I press send then place my phone on my desk.

I lean back and think about the whole Mason thing. Max's right, I need to tell Chris the truth. I just don't know when I will. Not like it matters anyway, we're not really dating. Plus, he's got his own baggage. That he was honest about, I need to be honest too. My phone dings and I grab it, it's a text from Chris. I open it and it says "That's a great picture of us, Miss Montgomery. Good work the other night. You're really embracing this whole thing and I appreciate it. My sister Ivy? Blew my phone up this morning about the photos. She can't wait to meet you for Christmas."

I smile and type "The pleasure's mine. She sounds sweet, I can't wait to meet her. I just hope she doesn't see through us." I press send

He reads it and I see the three tiny chat bubbles appear. He must have a minute between meetings. He responds a minute later "If we keep up how we acted at the gala? She won't suspect a thing."

I type "Shouldn't we act that way in general? In public? We can't be all over each other at events then act like platonic friends in our daily lives."

He reads it and the little bubbles pop up again. I wait for his response, when he does respond I quickly read it. "Yes. When I pick you up after work today, we need to act like just like that. Looks like the media's eating it right up. Good, Just like I knew they would."

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