Chapter One: Blind Eye

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I've always thought things in life happen for a reason. Especially when I met him.

I walk down the frozen New York city sidewalk.  After a long exhausting day at work, I'm heading home. I should be heading to the gym but, I decided last minute to go home. My usual routine has been screwed up lately. My whole life's been turned upside down.

I recently moved out of my apartment because I broke up with my fiancé, Mason. I keep telling myself it was for the best, I knew he and I weren't meant for one another. In a strange way, I think I'm grateful he cheated.

I walk inside the lobby of my new apartment building, after the breakup I had to move in with my best friend Max. I've known him since we were kids, we were in foster care together. We see one another as family, practically siblings. I walk past the doorman, Samuel then wave to him. He gives me a nod as I walk towards the elevator.

I press the button and wait, when the doors open I press the button for my floor. While I wait I think about my work day. I'm a therapist, I had quite a few patients today. I need to relax and forget about what I've heard today.

I head up to my apartment and I unlock the door. I walk inside and I smell food.

"Char?" I hear Max ask from the kitchen

"Yeah, it's me." I take my heels off then hang up my coat and bag

I walk towards the kitchen and see he's making spaghetti.  "What's all this?" I gesture to the food

He turns to me and puts his arms in the air "I got dumped!"

"What? Eric broke up with you?"

"Yeah, this afternoon. While I was on a home visit. Can you believe that?"

Max and I went to school for the same thing but, when I became a therapist he decided to become a social worker. He wanted to help kids like us when we were young and in the system. I walk over to him and hug his waist. I look up at him "I'm sorry, Maxy. Did he say why?"

"Something about him being mad that you moved in with me. I guess he wanted to move in." He shrugs

"I'm sorry, Maxy. If me moving in's a problem for you I can move out." I pull away

"What? No! Charlotte, I want you here. You're my sister. If Eric has a problem, then it's his problem. Plus the relationship was going stale anyway. I don't need some bitch giving me ultimatums." He shrugs

I look up at him and smile, he towers over me with his six foot three stature. I'm lucky to have him be so tall, while I'm only five foot five. While we're out nobody bothers me. People probably assume Max's my boyfriend, which works for me because I'm not looking to date anyone. Not right now, not right after the fiasco with Mason. I go to the fridge, I need a glass of wine.

"So, talk to Mason?" Max asks while he stirs the spaghetti noodles one final time before dumping the noodles into a strainer.

I pour myself a glass of boxed red wine "Nope, not since I moved out. He's called and texted me but, I haven't called him back. I don't have anything to say to him."

"Eh, good riddance. Dude was a prick anyway."

"I don't know, Maxy. I just think you and I are destined to end up together. Just living in this tiny apartment, drinking box wine, and eating cheeseburgers."

"You make it sound like that's a bad thing, babe." He smiles and gives me a wink

I smile then take a sip of my wine, I set my glass down on the counter. I tell Max I'll be right back, I walk down to my room so I can change into some comfy clothes. I go in my drawer and take out a pair of leggings and a big sweater. I get changed then walk back out to the kitchen.

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